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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2L, O, R, S and Y

ALLOSTERYallostery n. The quality of being allosteric.
ALLOSTERY n. of an enzyme, the property of being allosteric.
ARYBALLOSaryballos n. A small Ancient Greek flask used to hold perfume or oil.
aryballos n. An Incan ceramic vessel with long neck, bulbous body, two handles, and pointed bottom.
ARYBALLOS n. (Greek) a globular oil-flask with a neck.
GILLYVORSGILLYVOR n. (Shakespeare) a gillyflower, a carnation, also GELLIFLOWRE, GILLIFLOWER, GILLYFLOWER.
GLYCEROLSglycerols n. Plural of glycerol.
GLYCEROL n. a syrupy alcohol.
JOLLEYERSjolleyers n. Plural of jolleyer.
JOLLEYER n. one who uses a jolley, a guide for fixing a pottery mould for plates, also JOLLYER.
LEPROUSLYleprously adv. In a leprous way.
LEPROUS adv. affected with leprosy, also LEPROSE, LEPROTIC.
PARLOUSLYparlously adv. In a parlous way.
PROPHYLLSprophylls n. Plural of prophyll.
PROPHYLL n. a small leaf on the axis of a flower.
ROLLAWAYSROLLAWAY n. something mounted on rollers.
ROSTRALLYrostrally adv. In a rostral direction.
rostrally adv. With regard to a rostrum (beak).
ROSTRAL adv. of or like a rostrum, a spike on prow of warship for ramming.
ROYALLESTROYAL adj. relating to a king or queen.
SALLYPORTsallyport n. Alternative form of sally port.
sally␣port n. An opening into or entry to a fortification, usually arched, to enable a sally; a postern.
sally␣port n. An entryway controlled by two doors or gates, each of which must be closed before the other can open.
SCHOLARLYscholarly adj. Characteristic of a scholar.
scholarly adj. Of or relating to scholastics or scholarship.
scholarly adv. (US) In a scholarly manner.
SOLDIERLYsoldierly adj. In the way of, or appropriate to, a soldier.
soldierly adv. In the manner of a soldier.
SOLDIERLY adj. like a soldier.
SORORALLYsororally adv. In a sororal manner; sisterly.
SORORAL adv. pertaining to sisters, also SORORIAL.
VOLLEYERSvolleyers n. Plural of volleyer.
VOLLEYER n. one who volleys e.g. in tennis.
YODELLERSyodellers n. Plural of yodeller.
YODELLER n. one who yodels, also YODELER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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