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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2L, 2O, S and W

BLOWHOLESblowholes n. Plural of blowhole.
blowholes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blowhole.
BLOWHOLE n. a hole for breathing through; the nostril of a whale etc.
BOLLWORMSbollworms n. Plural of bollworm.
BOLLWORM n. the larva of a moth which devours the bolls or unripe pods of the cotton plant.
FOLLOWERSfollowers n. Plural of follower.
FOLLOWER n. one that follows.
FOLLOWUPSfollowups n. Plural of followup.
follow-ups n. Plural of follow-up.
FOLLOWUP n. a news article that adds information to a previous article.
FOOTWALLSfootwalls n. Plural of footwall.
FOOTWALL n. the layer of rock beneath a vein of ore.
FOOTWELLSfootwells n. Plural of footwell.
FOOTWELL n. the area in front of a car seat where one's feet rest.
GOLLIWOGSgolliwogs n. Plural of golliwog.
GOLLYWOGSgollywogs n. Plural of gollywog.
GOODWILLSgoodwills n. Plural of goodwill.
Goodwills prop.n. Plural of Goodwill.
GOODWILL n. an attitude of friendliness.
HOLLOWESThollowest adj. Superlative form of hollow: most hollow.
HOLLOW adj. not solid.
LAMBSWOOLlambswool n. (Uncountable) Wool from a lamb.
lambswool n. (By extension, countable) Something made of wool from a lamb.
lambswool n. A festive drink of ale mixed with the pulp of roasted apples.
POLLIWOGSpolliwogs n. Plural of polliwog.
POLLYWOGSpollywogs n. Plural of pollywog.
POORWILLSpoorwills n. Plural of poorwill.
POORWILL n. an American nightjar, also WHIPPOORWILL.
UNFOLLOWSunfollows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unfollow.
UNFOLLOW v. to decline to receive messages from (a person who is posting on a social media site).
UPFOLLOWSUPFOLLOW v. (Keats) to follow.
WALLAROOSwallaroos n. Plural of wallaroo.
Wallaroos n. Plural of Wallaroo (“a player for the Wallaroos team”).
WALLAROO n. (Native Australian) any of several large types of kangaroo, aka euro.
WOOLFELLSwoolfells n. Plural of woolfell.
WOOLFELL n. (archaic) a sheep's skin with the wool still on it.
WOOLLIESTwoolliest adj. Superlative form of woolly: most woolly.
WOOLLY adj. like wool.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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