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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing 2L, N, P, T and U

NUPTIALLYnuptially adv. In terms of marriage.
NUPTIAL adv. relating to weddings.
OPULENTLYopulently adv. In an opulent manner.
OPULENT adv. wealthy.
PLAINTFULplaintful adj. (Obsolete) complaining; expressing sorrow audibly.
PLAINTFUL adj. (archaic) complaining, also PLAINFUL.
PLANTULESplantules n. Plural of plantule.
PLANTULE n. a plant embryo.
PLANULATEplanulate adj. Having a flattened form.
planulate adj. (Zoology) Having planulae.
planulate n. The flat, free-swimming, ciliated larva of a cnidarian.
PLENTIFULplentiful adj. Existing in large number or ample amount.
plentiful adj. Yielding abundance; fruitful.
plentiful adj. (Obsolete) lavish; profuse; prodigal.
POLLUTANTpollutant n. A foreign substance that makes something dirty, or impure, especially waste from human activities.
POLLUTANT adj. causing pollution.
POLLUTANT n. a substance causing pollution.
POLLUTINGpolluting v. Present participle of pollute.
polluting adj. Adapted or tending to pollute; causing defilement or pollution.
POLLUTE v. to make unclean or impure.
POLLUTIONpollution n. Physical contamination, now especially the contamination of the environment by harmful substances, or…
pollution n. Something that pollutes; a pollutant.
pollution n. (Now rare) The desecration of something holy or sacred; defilement, profanation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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