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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 2L, M, O, R and T

ALLOMETRYallometry n. (Biology) Disproportionate growth of a part of a living organism in relation to the whole.
allometry n. (Biology) The science studying the differential growth rates of the parts of a living organism.
ALLOMETRY n. the study of growth of a part of an organism in relation to the whole.
COMPTROLLcomptroll n. Archaic form of control.
comptroll v. Archaic form of control.
COMPTROLL v. (obsolete) to control, esp. in a financial sense, also CONTROL, CONTROUL, COUNTROL.
MARTELLOSmartellos n. Plural of martello.
Martellos n. Plural of Martello.
MARTELLO n. (Italian) a circular fort for coastal defence.
MELLOTRONmellotron n. (Music) An early electronic keyboard instrument that played back prerecorded sounds.
MELLOTRON n. (tradename) an electronic keyboard instrument programmed to produce the tape-recorder sounds of orchestral instruments.
MILLOCRATmillocrat n. A member of the millocracy.
MILLOCRAT n. a member of the millocracy, the body of mill-owners regarded as a dominant or ruling class.
MORTBELLSmort␣bells n. Plural of mort bell.
MORTBELL n. a funeral bell.
MULTIROLEmultirole adj. Pertaining to, or serving in, many roles.
MULTIROLE adj. having a number of roles.
ROSTELLUMrostellum n. A small beak-like process or extension; a small rostrum.
rostellum n. (Botany) A projecting part of the column in the flower of an orchid that separates the male stamen from…
rostellum n. (Biology) A retractable protruding part at the anterior end of a soft-bodied tapeworm; the scolex from…
STEAMROLLsteamroll v. To flatten, as if with a steamroller.
steamroll v. (Figurative) To ruthlessly crush or overwhelm.
STEAMROLL v. to crush with a steamroller.
STILLROOMstillroom n. A room containing a still (for distillation).
stillroom n. A pantry adjoining a kitchen where drinks etc were stored or prepared.
STILLROOM n. a room, in a large house, where liquors, preserves, etc. are kept, and where tea, etc. is prepared for the table.
TAMARILLOtamarillo n. A small tree or shrub (Solanum betaceum syn. Cyphomandra betacea) which bears edible fruits.
tamarillo n. A fruit of that tree.
TAMARILLO n. the tree tomato.
THRALLDOMthralldom n. A state of bondage, slavery, or subjugation to another person.
THRALLDOM n. servitude, also THRALDOM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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