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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing L, N, O, R, S and T

ALTHORNSalthorns n. Plural of althorn.
ALTHORN n. (German) an instrument of the saxhorn family, used exclusively in military music.
CONTROLScontrols n. Plural of control.
controls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of control.
CONTROL v. to exercise authority over, also CONTROUL.
ENTRESOLentresol n. A mezzanine; an intermediate floor in a building, typically resembling a balcony; most often, the floor…
ENTRESOL n. (French) a low storey between two higher ones, usually between the ground floor and the first storey.
FRONTALSfrontals n. Plural of frontal.
FRONTAL n. a cloth hanging over front of altar.
HORNLETShornlets n. Plural of hornlet.
HORNLET n. a little horn.
KLYSTRONklystron n. (Physics) an electron tube used to amplify microwave-frequency electromagnetic radiation.
KLYSTRON n. a type of electron tube.
LASTBORNlastborn n. The youngest child of a family.
lastborn n. (Figuratively) The youngest member of any company or organization.
lastborn adj. Born last in a family; youngest in a the family.
LINKROTSLINKROT n. the condition of a website link not being updated, with the result that the host website is no longer hyperlinked to the desired website.
NITROSYLnitrosyl n. (Inorganic chemistry) The univalent radical -NO.
NITROSYL n. the radical NO, called also the nitroso group.
NOSTRILSnostrils n. Plural of nostril.
NOSTRIL n. an external opening of the nose.
ORTOLANSortolans n. Plural of ortolan.
ORTOLAN n. (French) a kind of bunting, common in Europe and eaten as a delicacy.
PLASTRONplastron n. The nearly flat part of the shell structure of a tortoise or other animal, similar in composition to the carapace.
plastron n. (Fencing) A half-jacket worn under the jacket for padding or for safety.
plastron n. A man’s shirt-bosom.
RETINOLSretinols n. Plural of retinol.
RETINOL n. a liquid hydrocarbon.
STRONGLYstrongly adv. In a strong or powerful manner.
strongly adv. Very much.
STRONG adv. having great strength.
STRONGYLstrongyl n. Alternative spelling of strongyle.
STRONGYL n. (Greek) a parasitic threadworm, also STRONGYLE.
TONSILARtonsilar adj. Alternative spelling of tonsillar.
TONSILAR adj. relating to the tonsils, also TONSILLAR, TONSILLARY.
TORULINSTORULIN n. a vitamin in yeast.
TROLANDStrolands n. Plural of troland.
TROLAND n. a unit of measurement of retinal response to light.
TURNSOLEturnsole n. A heliotrope; so named because its flowers are supposed to turn toward the sun.
turnsole n. A sunflower.
turnsole n. A sun spurge (Euphorbia helioscopia).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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