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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing L, M, N, O and 2S

CLONISMSclonisms n. Plural of clonism.
CLONISM n. the condition of having clonus.
LIONISMSlionisms n. Plural of lionism.
LIONISM n. a lionlike appearance symptomatic of leprosy.
MALISONSmalisons n. Plural of malison.
MALISON n. a curse, a malediction.
MOONLESSmoonless adj. (Of a night) During which no phase of the Moon is visible to provide light.
moonless adj. (Of a planet) Having no orbiting moon.
Moonless adj. Without the Moon.
MOSLINGSmoslings n. Thin shreds of leather shaved off while dressing skins.
MOSLINGS n. thin shavings taken off by the currier in dressing skins.
MOSSLANDmossland n. Land abounding in peat bogs.
MOSSLAND n. wet land.
NORMLESSnormless adj. Lacking norms.
NORMLESS adj. without a norm.
PLASMONSplasmons n. Plural of plasmon.
PLASMON n. the total of the genetic material in a cell.
SALAMONSSALAMON n. (obsolete) the mass, as in the vagrants' inviolable oath 'by the salamon'.
SOLANUMSsolanums n. Plural of solanum.
SOLANUM n. (Latin) any herbaceous plant of the genus Solanum, including the potato, bittersweet and certain nightshades.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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