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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing L, 2N, T, V and Y

CONJUNCTIVELYconjunctively adv. In a conjunctive way.
CONJUNCTIVE adv. joining.
CONNOTATIVELYconnotatively adv. In a way that connotes.
CONNOTATIVE adv. signifying or suggesting ideas, also CONNOTIVE.
ENUNCIATIVELYenunciatively adv. In an enunciative manner.
ENUNCIATIVE adv. containing enunciation or utterance, also ENUNCIATORY.
INADVERTENTLYinadvertently adv. Unintentionally; because of an oversight.
INADVERTENT adv. not focusing the mind on a matter.
INATTENTIVELYinattentively adv. In an inattentive or careless manner: Of or pertaining to a lack of attention; not paying attention.
INATTENTIVE adv. not attentive.
INCONVERTIBLYinconvertibly adv. In an inconvertible manner.
INCONVERTIBLE adv. not convertible.
INFINITIVALLYinfinitivally adv. In an infinitival manner; with regard to the infinitive.
INFINITIVAL adv. relating to the infinitive mood.
INOBSERVANTLYinobservantly adv. In an inobservant manner.
INOBSERVANT adv. not observant.
INSENSITIVELYinsensitively adv. In an insensitive manner.
INSENSITIVE adv. not responsive or susceptible, also UNSENSITIVE.
INSTINCTIVELYinstinctively adv. Innately; by instinct; without being taught.
INSTINCTIVE adv. relating to instinct.
INTRAVENOUSLYintravenously adv. (Medicine) In an intravenous manner; by means of intravenous injection.
INTRAVENOUS adv. situated, performed, or occurring within or entering by way of a vein.
INVENDIBILITYINVENDIBILITY n. the state of being invendible.
INVENTORIALLYinventorially adv. In terms of an inventory.
INVENTORIAL adv. relating to inventory.
INVINCIBILITYinvincibility n. The quality or state of being invincible; invincibleness.
INVINCIBILITY n. the state of being invincible.
INVOLUNTARILYinvoluntarily adv. In an involuntary manner; done without conscious thought.
INVOLUNTARY adv. done contrary to or without choice.
NOMINATIVALLYNOMINATIVAL adv. relating to the nominative.
OVERINTENSELYoverintensely adv. Too intensely.
SEVENTEENTHLYseventeenthly adv. In the seventeenth place; seventeenth in a row.
SEVENTEENTH adv. number seventeen in sequence.
UNDEVIATINGLYundeviatingly adv. Without deviation; directly, unerringly.
UNDEVIATING adv. keeping a true course.
UNINVENTIVELYuninventively adv. In an uninventive way.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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