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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing L, S, T, 2U and V

AUSCULTATIVEauscultative adj. Relating to auscultation.
AUSCULTATIVE adj. related to auscultation, also AUSCULTATORY.
AVICULTURISTaviculturist n. A person who keeps and rears (breeds) birds.
AVICULTURIST n. one who practises aviculture.
MULTIVARIOUSmultivarious adj. Many and various.
MULTIVARIOUS adj. differing widely.
MULTIVOLUMESSorry, definition not available.
SILVICULTUREsilviculture n. The care and development of forests in order to obtain a product or provide a benefit; forestry.
SILVICULTURE n. the growing of trees, also SYLVICULTURE.
SUPEROVULATEsuperovulate v. (Biology) To produce large quantities of mature ova.
SUPEROVULATE v. to produce a larger number of ova than usual, e.g. under stimulus of injected hormones.
SYLVICULTUREsylviculture n. Alternative spelling of silviculture.
SYLVICULTURE n. the growing of trees, also SILVICULTURE.
ULTRAVACUUMSultravacuums n. Plural of ultravacuum.
ULTRAVACUUM n. an extreme vacuum.
ULTRAVIRUSESultraviruses n. Plural of ultravirus.
ULTRAVIRUS n. a virus small enough to pass through the finest filter.
UNVIRTUOUSLYunvirtuously adv. In an unvirtuous manner.
UNVIRTUOUS adv. not virtuous.
UPVALUATIONSUPVALUATION n. the act of upvaluing.
VASCULATURESvasculatures n. Plural of vasculature.
VASCULATURE n. the arrangement of blood vessels.
VINICULTURESvinicultures n. Plural of viniculture.
VINICULTURE n. vine-growing, also VITICULTURE.
VITICULTURESviticultures n. Plural of viticulture.
VITICULTURE n. vine-growing, also VINICULTURE.
VOLUNTOURISMvoluntourism n. A type of tourism which combines traditional travel and tourism with volunteer work. Travelers are given…
VOLUNTOURISM n. tourism in which travellers do voluntary work to help communities or the environment in the places they are visiting.
VOLUNTOURISTvoluntourist n. A tourist who takes part in voluntourism.
VOLUPTUARIESvoluptuaries n. Plural of voluptuary.
VOLUPTUARY n. a sensualist; a person fond of luxury.
VOLUPTUOSITYvoluptuosity n. Voluptuousness.
VOLUPTUOSITY n. (obsolete) voluptuousness.
VOLUPTUOUSLYvoluptuously adv. In a voluptuous manner.
VOLUPTUOUS adv. given up to luxury; sensuous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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