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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing L, P, 3S and Y

CHESSPLAYERSchessplayers n. Plural of chessplayer.
chess␣players n. Plural of chess player.
CHESSPLAYER n. one who plays chess.
ERYSIPELASESerysipelases n. Plural of erysipelas.
ERYSIPELAS n. a febrile disease accompanied with a diffused inflammation of the skin, aka St Anthony's Fire.
HYPOGLOSSALShypoglossals n. Plural of hypoglossal.
HYPOGLOSSAL n. the hypoglossal nerve.
PHYSICALISMSphysicalisms n. Plural of physicalism.
PHYSICALISM n. the belief that all phenomena reducible to verifiable assertions.
PHYSICALISTSphysicalists n. Plural of physicalist.
PHYSICALIST n. a believer in physicalism.
PHYSICALNESSphysicalness n. The condition of being physical; physicality.
PHYSICALNESS n. the state of being physical.
POLYMASTISMSPOLYMASTISM n. the presence of supernumerary breasts or nipples, also POLYMASTIA, POLYMASTY.
POSSESSIVELYpossessively adv. In a possessive manner.
POSSESSIVE adv. related to possession.
PROSELYTISESproselytises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of proselytise.
PROSELYTISE v. to recruit or convert esp. to a new faith, institution, or cause, also PROSELYTIZE.
PROSELYTISMSproselytisms n. Plural of proselytism.
PROSELYTISM n. conversion.
SPASMOLYTICSspasmolytics n. Plural of spasmolytic.
SPASMOLYTIC n. a spasmolytic drug.
SPEECHLESSLYspeechlessly adv. In a speechless manner; without speaking.
SPEECHLESS adv. unable to speak.
SPIRITLESSLYspiritlessly adv. In a spiritless manner.
SPIRITLESS adv. lacking animation or courage.
SUPPRESSEDLYsuppressedly adv. In a suppressed manner.
SUPPRESSED adv. SUPPRESS, to subdue or hold back.
SURPASSINGLYsurpassingly adv. In a surpassing manner; exceptionally.
SURPASSING adv. SURPASS, to go beyond.
SUSPENSIVELYsuspensively adv. (Law) Involving a suspension.
SUSPENSIVE adv. tending to suspend, or to keep in suspense.
SUSPICIOUSLYsuspiciously adv. (Manner) In a way suggesting suspicion.
suspiciously adv. (Manner) In a way that arouses suspicion.
suspiciously adv. (Evaluative) Causing suspicion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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