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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing L, N, O and 3U

CUMULONIMBUScumulonimbus n. (Meteorology) A cloud, with a tall structure and a flat base, that is often associated with thunderstorms.
cumulo-nimbus n. Alternative form of cumulonimbus.
CUMULONIMBUS n. a type of cloud.
FURUNCULOSESfurunculoses n. Plural of furunculosis.
FURUNCULOSIS n. an affliction of boils.
FURUNCULOSISfurunculosis n. (Medicine) The presence of furuncles or boils.
FURUNCULOSIS n. an affliction of boils.
IRACUNDULOUSIRACUNDULOUS adj. somewhat inclined to become angry.
MUCOPURULENTmucopurulent adj. (Medicine) Characterized by mucus and pus.
MUCOPURULENT adj. containing a mixture of mucus and pus.
TUMULTUATIONtumultuation n. (Obsolete) Irregular or disorderly movement; commotion.
TUMULTUATION n. (archaic) a tumult.
UNMIRACULOUSunmiraculous adj. Not miraculous; commonplace, mundane.
UNMIRACULOUS adj. not miraculous.
UNSCRUPULOUSunscrupulous adj. Without scruples; immoral.
unscrupulous adj. Contemptuous of what is right or honorable.
UNSCRUPULOUS adj. not scrupulous.
UNTHOUGHTFULunthoughtful adj. Inconsiderate of other’s feelings.
unthoughtful adj. Unplanned or unthinking.
UNTHOUGHTFUL adj. not thoughtful.
UNTUMULTUOUSuntumultuous adj. Not tumultuous; calm, placid.
UNTUMULTUOUS adj. not tumultuous.
UNVIRTUOUSLYunvirtuously adv. In an unvirtuous manner.
UNVIRTUOUS adv. not virtuous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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