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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing L, 2M, 2N and O

COMMANDINGLYcommandingly adv. In a commanding fashion.
COMMANDING adv. COMMAND, to direct with authority.
EMBLAZONMENTemblazonment n. The act of emblazoning.
emblazonment n. The state of being emblazoned.
EMBLAZONMENT n. the act of emblazoning.
INFLAMMATIONinflammation n. The act of inflaming, kindling, or setting on fire.
inflammation n. The state of being inflamed.
inflammation n. (Pathology) A condition of any part of the body, consisting of congestion of the blood vessels, with…
MNEMONICALLYmnemonically adv. Through the use of mnemonics.
mnemonically adv. As a mnemonic.
MNEMONICAL adv. assisting in memory.
MONOCLINISMSMONOCLINISM n. the state of being monoclinous.
MONOFILAMENTmonofilament n. (Textiles) A single strand of man-made fiber.
MONOFILAMENT n. a single filament of synthetic fibre, also MONOFIL.
MONOMANIACALmonomaniacal adj. Fanatical, or obsessed with one cause or idea to the exclusion of other concerns.
monomaniacal adj. Of or relating to a monomaniac.
MONOMANIACAL adj. obsessed with one subject only.
MONUMENTALLYmonumentally adv. To a monumental extent; very greatly.
MONUMENTAL adv. very large.
MULTINOMINALmultinominal adj. Having many names or terms.
MULTINOMINAL adj. having many names.
NONALUMINIUMnonaluminium adj. (British spelling) Alternative form of nonaluminum.
NONALUMINIUM adj. not made of aluminium, also NONALUMINUM.
NONCOMMITTALnoncommittal adj. Tending to avoid commitment; lacking certainty or decisiveness; reluctant to give out information or…
noncommittal n. Failure to commit to a decision or course of action.
noncommittal n. A voter etc. who has not yet committed to a decision.
NONFLAMMABLEnonflammable adj. Not combustible.
nonflammable adj. Not easily set on fire.
nonflammable n. Any nonflammable substance.
NONMAMMALIANnonmammalian adj. Not mammalian.
NOUMENALISMSNOUMENALISM n. Kant's philosophy of the noumenon.
NUMMULATIONSnummulations n. Plural of nummulation.
NUMMULATION n. the arrangement of blood corpuscles in rouleaus.
SOMNAMBULANTsomnambulant adj. Walking as if, or while, asleep; sleepwalking.
somnambulant n. A sleepwalker.
SOMNAMBULANT adj. having the habit of walking while asleep.
UNEMPLOYMENTunemployment n. The state of having no job; joblessness.
unemployment n. The phenomenon of joblessness in an economy.
unemployment n. The level of joblessness in an economy, often measured as a percentage of the workforce.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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