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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing 2L, M, 2N and R

ENTHRALLMENTenthrallment n. The act of enthralling or the state of being enthralled.
ENTHRALLMENT n. (US) the state of being enthralled, also ENTHRALMENT.
MILLENARIANSmillenarians n. Plural of millenarian.
MILLENARIAN n. one who believes in the second coming of Christ to reign on earth a thousand years.
MILLIONNAIREmillionnaire n. Archaic spelling of millionaire.
MILLIONNAIRE n. one who possesses a million pounds, also MILLIONAIRE.
MISENROLLINGmisenrolling v. Present participle of misenrol.
MISENROL v. to enrol incorrectly.
NONMOLECULARnonmolecular adj. Not molecular.
NONMOLECULAR adj. not molecular.
ORNAMENTALLYornamentally adv. In an ornamental way.
ORNAMENTAL adv. decorative.
PRENOMINALLYprenominally adv. (Grammar) Before a noun.
PRENOMINAL adv. placed before a noun, esp. (of an adjective or sense of an adjective) used only before a noun.
PRONOMINALLYpronominally adv. (Linguistics) In a pronominal manner; as a pronoun.
PRONOMINAL adv. of or like a pronoun.
REENROLLMENTreenrollment n. The act or the process of reenrolling; a second or subsequent enrollment.
REILLUMININGreillumining v. Present participle of reillumine.
REILLUMINE v. to illumine again.
TRANSLUMENALTRANSLUMENAL adj. (of a surgical procedure) performed within a blood vessel, duct, or cavity, also TRANSLUMINAL.
TRANSLUMINALtransluminal adj. (Anatomy) Across a lumen.
transluminal adj. Relating to translumination.
TRANSLUMINAL adj. (of a surgical procedure) performed within a blood vessel, duct, or cavity, also TRANSLUMENAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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