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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing L, M, R, S, T and V

LIVESTREAMSlivestreams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of livestream.
live-streams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of live-stream.
live␣streams n. Plural of live stream.
MULTIVERSESmultiverses n. Plural of multiverse.
Multiverses n. Plural of Multiverse.
MULTIVERSE n. the sum of all universes.
OVERMANTELSovermantels n. Plural of overmantel.
OVERMANTEL n. an ornamental structure set on a mantelshelf.
PELVIMETERSpelvimeters n. Plural of pelvimeter.
PELVIMETER n. an instrument for measuring the pelvis.
RELATIVISMSrelativisms n. Plural of relativism.
RELATIVISM n. a theory that knowledge is relative to the limited nature of the mind and the conditions of knowing.
REMOVALISTSremovalists n. Plural of removalist.
REMOVALIST n. (Australian) a person or company that transports household effects to a new home.
REVEALMENTSrevealments n. Plural of revealment.
REVEALMENT n. the act of revealing.
REVILEMENTSrevilements n. Plural of revilement.
REVILEMENT n. the act of reviling.
SILVERSMITHsilversmith n. A person who makes articles out of silver usually larger than jewellery.
Silversmith prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
silver-smith n. Alternative spelling of silversmith.
TRIVIALISMStrivialisms n. Plural of trivialism.
TRIVIALISM n. a trivial matter or method.
VIRTUALISMSvirtualisms n. Plural of virtualism.
VIRTUALISM n. the doctrine of Christ's virtual presence in the Eucharist.
VOLTAMETERSvoltameters n. Plural of voltameter.
VOLTAMETER n. an instrument for measuring electrical current indirectly.
VOLUMETRIESVOLUMETRY n. the act of measuring by volume.
VOLUNTARISMvoluntarism n. (US) A reliance on volunteers to support an institution or achieve an end; volunteerism.
voluntarism n. (Philosophy) A doctrine that assigns the most dominant position to the will rather than the intellect.
voluntarism n. (Politics) The political theory that a community is best organized by the voluntary cooperation of individuals…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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