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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 2L, 2N, O and U

CONFLUENTLYconfluently adv. In a confluent manner.
CONFLUENT adv. flowing together; meeting in their course.
CONNUBIALLYconnubially adv. As in marriage.
CONNUBIAL adv. of or relating to marriage.
CONTINUALLYcontinually adv. In a continual manner; non-stop.
continually adv. In regular or repeated succession; very often.
CONTINUAL adv. constantly happening or done.
COUNSELLINGcounselling n. (British spelling) Alternative form of counseling.
counselling v. (British spelling) present participle of counsel.
COUNSELLING n. the act of giving counsel.
JOURNALLINGjournalling n. Alternative form of journaling.
JOURNALLING n. the act of recording in a journal, also JOURNALING.
MONOLINGUALmonolingual adj. Knowing or using a single language; written or spoken in a single language.
monolingual n. A person who knows or uses only a single language; a monoglot.
MONOLINGUAL n. one who speaks one language only.
NOCTURNALLYnocturnally adv. During the night.
nocturnally adv. Every night.
NOCTURNAL adv. relating to night.
NONCELLULARnoncellular adj. Not cellular.
NONCELLULAR adj. not cellular.
NONCULTURALnoncultural adj. Not cultural.
NONCULTURAL adj. not cultural.
POLYTUNNELSpolytunnels n. Plural of polytunnel.
POLYTUNNEL n. plastic sheeting stretched over rows of plants as protection from the weather.
PUNCHINELLOpunchinello n. A small brown butterfly, Zemeros flegyas, family Riodinidae, of Asia.
Punchinello prop.n. A traditional Italian puppet, in the form of a short fat clown.
Punchinello prop.n. (By extension) Somebody who resembles this character; a grotesque buffoon.
QUINTILLIONquintillion num. (US, modern British & Australian, short scale) A billion billion: 1 followed by eighteen zeros, 1018.
quintillion num. (Dated, British & Australian, long scale) A million quadrillion: 1 followed by 30 zeros, 1030.
quintillion n. (Figuratively, slang, hyperbolic) Any very large number, exceeding normal description.
UNBLINDFOLDunblindfold v. (Transitive) To remove a blindfold from.
UNBLINDFOLD v. to remove a blindfold from.
UNDECILLIONundecillion num. (US; modern British & Australian, short scale) 1036.
undecillion num. (Dated British & Australian, long scale) 1066.
UNDECILLION n. a large number - a one followed by either 36 or 66 zeroes.
UNFOLLOWINGunfollowing v. Present participle of unfollow.
UNFOLLOW v. to decline to receive messages from (a person who is posting on a social media site).
UNHALLOWINGunhallowing v. Present participle of unhallow.
UNHALLOW v. to profane.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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