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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing L, O, 2R, S and Y

ANTRORSELYantrorsely adv. (Biology) In an antrorse fashion.
ANTRORSELY adv. turned forward or upward.
ASTROLATRYastrolatry n. The worship of the stars.
ASTROLATRY n. worship of stars.
CLEARSTORYclearstory n. Alternative form of clerestory.
CLEARSTORY n. the upper storey of a church; windows near the roof of a building, also CLERESTORY.
CLERESTORYclerestory n. (Architecture) The upper part of a wall containing windows to let in natural light to a building, especially…
CLERESTORY n. the upper storey of a church; windows near the roof of a building, also CLEARSTORY.
DISORDERLYdisorderly adj. Not in order; marked by disorder or disarray.
disorderly adj. Not acting in an orderly way, as the functions of the body or mind.
disorderly adj. Not complying with the restraints of order and law; unruly; lawless.
FLYRODDERSflyrodders n. Plural of flyrodder.
FLYRODDER n. an angler using artificial fly.
HYDROLYSERhydrolyser n. That which hydrolyses.
HYDROLYSER n. an agent that hydrolyses, also HYDROLYZER.
INTRORSELYintrorsely adv. In an introrse manner.
INTRORSE adv. turned or facing inward.
OVERRASHLYoverrashly adv. With excessive rashness.
OVERRASH adv. excessively rash.
PORTRAYALSportrayals n. Plural of portrayal.
PORTRAYAL n. the act of portraying.
PROPULSORYpropulsory adj. Propulsive.
PROPULSORY adj. propulsive.
PROSLAVERYproslavery adj. Supporting slavery.
PROSLAVERY adj. in favour of slavery.
PYROLATERSpyrolaters n. Plural of pyrolater.
PYROLATER n. a fire-worshipper.
PYROLYSERSpyrolysers n. Plural of pyrolyser.
PYROLYSER n. a device for pyrolysing.
PYROLYZERSpyrolyzers n. Plural of pyrolyzer.
PYROLYZER n. an agent that pyrolyzes.
RALLYCROSSrallycross n. A format of car racing in which drivers race over wild terrain and specially designed roads, meant to…
RALLYCROSS n. a form of motor sport in which cars race over a one-mile circuit of rough grass with some hard-surfaced sections.
RETRORSELYretrorsely adv. In a retrorse fashion.
RETRORSE adv. turned back or downward.
RIGOROUSLYrigorously adv. In a rigorous manner.
RIGOROUS adv. characterized by rigor.
SORORIALLYsororially adv. Alternative form of sororally.
SORORIAL adv. pertaining to sisters, also SORORAL.
SUPERIORLYsuperiorly adv. (Anatomy, medicine) above; in a superior position.
superiorly adv. In a superior manner.
SUPERIOR adv. of higher rank, quality, or authority than another.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 103 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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