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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing L, N, O, R, W and Y

COWERINGLYcoweringly adv. In a cowering manner.
COWERING adv. COWER, to cringe.
DOWNWARDLYdownwardly adv. In a downward direction.
DOWNWARDLY adv. in a downward direction.
FROWNINGLYfrowningly adv. While or as if frowning.
FROWNING adv. FROWN, to wrinkle the brow with displeasure.
GROWLINGLYgrowlingly adv. In a growling manner; with growls.
GROWLING adv. with a growl.
LOOYENWORKLooyenwork n. A form of therapeutic massage intended to relieve muscular tension.
LOOYENWORK n. therapy of the body tissues aimed at releasing muscle fibre adhesions and easing physical and emotional tensions.
LOWERINGLYloweringly adv. In a lowering manner; with cloudiness or threatening gloom.
LOWERING adv. overcast, threatening.
NONLAWYERSnonlawyers n. Plural of nonlawyer.
non-lawyers n. Plural of non-lawyer.
NONLAWYER n. one who is not a lawyer.
PROWLINGLYprowlingly adv. In a prowling manner.
PROWLING adv. stealthy.
TOWERINGLYtoweringly adv. In a towering manner.
TOWERING adv. TOWER, to rise to a great height.
UNTOWARDLYuntowardly adv. In an untoward way.
untowardly adj. Untoward.
UNTOWARD adv. not appropriate.
UNWORKABLYunworkably adv. In an unworkable fashion; not workably.
UNWORTHILYunworthily adv. In an unworthy manner.
UNWORTHY adv. not worthy.
WONDROUSLYwondrously adv. In a wondrous way.
WONDROUS adv. strange, wonderful, also WONDEROUS.
WORRYINGLYworryingly adv. In a worrying manner.
WRONGFULLYwrongfully adv. In a wrongful manner; unjustly.
WRONGFUL adv. wrong.
WRONGOUSLYwrongously adv. (UK dialectal, Scotland, especially law) Wrongfully; in a wrongous (wrongful) manner.
WRONGOUS adv. unjust; wrongful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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