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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing L, N, 2O and 2R

CONTROLLERcontroller n. One who controls something.
controller n. (Electronics) Any electric or mechanical device for controlling a circuit or system.
controller n. (Business) The chief accounting officer which audits, and manages the financial affairs of a company…
CORNFLOURScornflours n. Plural of cornflour.
CORNFLOUR n. finely ground maize, rice, or other grain, used esp. for thickening sauces.
CORNFLOWERcornflower n. A small annual plant in the family Asteraceae, Centaurea cyanus, usually with bushy blue flowers which…
cornflower n. A plant of the species Cichorium intybus.
cornflower n. Cornflower blue.
FLOWERHORNflowerhorn n. A brightly-coloured ornamental cichlid with a distinctive nuchal hump.
FLOWERHORN adj. as in flowerhorn fish, a brightly coloured cichlid fish with a large protuberance on the head.
FORLORNESTforlornest adj. Superlative form of forlorn: most forlorn.
FORLORN adj. forsaken.
GONORRHEALgonorrheal adj. Of, pertaining to, or afflicted with gonorrhoea.
HONORARILYhonorarily adv. In an honorary manner.
HONORARY adv. conferring honour.
INCORPORALincorporal adj. Obsolete form of incorporeal.
INCORPORAL adj. (archaic) incorporeal, also INCORPORALL.
PROLONGERSprolongers n. Plural of prolonger.
PROLONGER n. one who, or that which, causes an extension in time or space.
RECOLORINGrecoloring v. Present participle of recolor.
RECOLOR v. to color again, also RECOLOUR.
RESORCINOLresorcinol n. (Organic chemistry) The diphenol meta-dihydroxy benzene, used as a mild antiseptic and in many industrial…
RESORCINOL n. a colourless phenol used in dyeing, photography and medicine, also RESORCIN.
RITORNELLOritornello n. (Music) A recurring tutti passage in Baroque music for orchestra or chorus.
RITORNELLO n. a short instrumental passage in a vocal work, also RITORNEL, RITORNELL, RITORNELLE, RITOURNELLE.
UNDERFLOORunderfloor adj. Located beneath the floor.
underfloor n. A layer of flooring beneath the main floor surface.
UNDERFLOOR adj. situated underneath a floor e.g. heating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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