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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing L, M, O, 2P and R

APPROXIMALapproximal adj. Near or adjacent.
approximal adj. Contiguous.
APPROXIMAL adj. close together, next to.
IMPROPERLYimproperly adv. In an improper manner; not properly.
IMPROPER adv. not proper.
MALAPROPOSmalapropos adj. Out of place; inappropriate.
malapropos adv. Out of place; inappropriately.
MALAPROPOS adj. inappropriate or inopportune.
MERPEOPLESMERPEOPLE n. mermaids and mermen.
PALAMPORESpalampores n. Plural of palampore.
PALAMPORE n. a flowered chintz bedcover common in Asia, also PALEMPORE.
PALEMPORESpalempores n. Plural of palempore.
PALEMPORE n. a flowered chintz bedcover common in Asia, also PALAMPORE.
PIROPLASMApiroplasma n. (Epidemiology, microbiology) Babesia, a genus of hematozoa that invades the red blood cells of humans…
piroplasma n. Any of many other parasitic protozoa related to Babesia in order Piroplasmida.
PIROPLASMA n. a parasite causing cattle fever, aka babesia, also PIROPLASM.
PIROPLASMSpiroplasms n. Plural of piroplasm.
PIROPLASM n. a parasite causing cattle fever, aka babesia, also PIROPLASMA.
PLEOMORPHYpleomorphy n. Alternative form of pleomorphism.
PLEOMORPHY n. the state of being pleomorphic, occurring in several different forms.
POLYMORPHSpolymorphs n. Plural of polymorph.
POLYMORPH n. a substance capable of crystallizing in several distinct forms called allomorphs.
POLYPARIUMpolyparium n. (Biology) The stem, or supporting structure, of any colonial cnidarian such as coral.
POLYPARIUM n. the framework and base of a polyp colony, esp. coral, also POLYPARY.
POPULARISMpopularism n. Any political doctrine chosen to appeal to a majority of the electorate.
PROPAGULUMpropagulum n. (Botany) A runner terminated by a germinating bud.
propagulum n. A gemma or bud affecting asexual propagation in many algae.
PROPAGULUM n. a body with the capacity to give rise to a new plant e.g. seed, spore, bulbil, fragment etc., also PROPAGULE.
PROPELMENTpropelment n. (Archaic) Propulsion, the act of propeling.
propelment n. A mechanism that propels something.
PROPELMENT n. propulsion; a propelling motion.
PROPYLAEUMpropylaeum n. (Historical, especially Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome) A vestibule or entrance, (especially) to a temple.
PROPYLAEUM n. any court or vestibule before a building or leading into any inclosure.
PROTOPLASMprotoplasm n. (Cytology) The entire contents of a cell comprising the nucleus and the cytoplasm. It is a semi-fluid…
PROTOPLASM n. the complex translucent colourless colloidal material comprising the living part of a cell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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