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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing L, M, 2N, O and U

CONALBUMINconalbumin n. (Biology) One of the two major types of albumin found in egg white (the other being ovalbumin), which…
COUNCILMANcouncilman n. A male member of a council, especially a city council.
COUNCILMAN n. a member of a council, esp. of the common council of a city.
COUNCILMENcouncilmen n. Plural of councilman.
COUNCILMAN n. a member of a council, esp. of the common council of a city.
ENSOULMENTensoulment n. The act or process of ensouling; the act of a developing human being given a soul.
ENSOULMENT n. the act of animating with a soul, also INSOULMENT.
FUNNELFORMfunnelform adj. Having the shape of a funnel.
FUNNELFORM adj. having the form of a funnel.
INSOULMENTINSOULMENT n. the act of animating with a soul, also ENSOULMENT.
LENOCINIUMlenocinium n. (Scotland, law) A husband’s connivance at his wife’s adultery.
LENOCINIUM n. in Scots law, connivance at one's wife's adultery.
LUMINATIONlumination n. (Rare) Illumination; specifically, artificial illumination.
LUMINATION n. illumination.
MELUNGEONSMelungeons n. Plural of Melungeon.
MELUNGEON n. any of a dark-skinned group of people living in the Appalachians, of mixed White, Indian and Black origin.
MONUMENTALmonumental adj. In the manner of a monument.
monumental adj. Large, grand and imposing.
monumental adj. Taking a great amount of time and effort to complete.
MOURNINGLYmourningly adv. In a mourning manner; grievingly.
MULLIONINGmullioning v. Present participle of mullion.
mullioning n. An arrangement of mullions.
MULLION v. to provide the upright division between the panes of a window.
MULTIUNIONmultiunion adj. Involving more than one union, especially more than one trade union.
MULTIUNION adj. comprising many unions.
NONLEGUMESnonlegumes n. Plural of nonlegume.
NONLEGUME n. a plant that is not a legume.
NONMUSICALnonmusical adj. Not musical; unrelated to music.
nonmusical n. A production that is not a musical.
NONMUSICAL adj. not musical.
NOUMENALLYnoumenally adv. In relation to noumenon.
NOUMENAL adv. of or pertaining to the noumenon; real as opposed to phenomenal.
SURNOMINALsurnominal adj. Relating to surnames.
SURNOMINAL adj. pertaining to surnames.
UNCOMMONLYuncommonly adv. To an uncommon degree; unusually or extremely.
uncommonly adv. Not often; on rare occasions.
UNCOMMON adv. not common.
UNFOLDMENTunfoldment n. Unfolding.
UNFOLDMENT n. the act of unfolding, or the state of being unfolded.
UNMOULDINGunmoulding v. Present participle of unmould.
UNMOULD v. to change the form of; to reduce from any form, also UNMOLD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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