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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2L, R, 2S and Y

CARELESSLYcarelessly adv. Giving the appearance of carelessness; relaxedly.
carelessly adv. Done without care or attention; inattentively.
CARELESS adv. inattentive; negligent.
FEARLESSLYfearlessly adv. In a fearless manner; without fear.
FEARLESS adv. without fear.
FORMLESSLYformlessly adv. In a formless manner.
FORMLESS adv. lacking structure.
GORMLESSLYgormlessly adv. In a gormless manner.
HARMLESSLYharmlessly adv. In a harmless manner.
HARMLESS adv. not harmful.
HURTLESSLYhurtlessly adv. Without harm.
HURTLESS adv. without hurt.
LUSTROUSLYlustrously adv. In a lustrous manner, glossily.
LUSTROUS adv. reflecting light evenly and efficiently.
PEERLESSLYpeerlessly adv. In a peerless manner.
PEERLESS adv. having no equal.
RALLYCROSSrallycross n. A format of car racing in which drivers race over wild terrain and specially designed roads, meant to…
RALLYCROSS n. a form of motor sport in which cars race over a one-mile circuit of rough grass with some hard-surfaced sections.
RECKLESSLYrecklessly adv. In a rash or reckless manner, without regard for cost or consequence.
recklessly adv. With contempt for the rights, feelings, or well-being of others.
RECKLESS adv. foolishly heedless of danger.
RESTLESSLYrestlessly adv. In a restless manner.
RESTLESS adv. unable to remain at rest.
RUTHLESSLYruthlessly adv. In a ruthless manner; with cruelty; without pity or compassion.
RUTHLESS adv. having no compassion.
SALLYPORTSsallyports n. Plural of sallyport.
sally␣ports n. Plural of sally port.
SALLYPORT n. a gateway or opening for making a sally from a fortified place.
SULPHURYLSsulphuryls n. Plural of sulphuryl.
SULPHURYL n. a particular chemical divalent group, also SULFONYL, SULFURYL, SULPHONYL.
SYLLOGISERsyllogiser n. Alternative form of syllogizer.
SYLLOGISER n. one who reasons by syllogisms, also SYLLOGIZER.
SYLVESTRALSYLVESTRAL adj. of a plant, growing typically in woods or bushy places.
TEARLESSLYtearlessly adv. In a tearless way; without tears.
TEARLESS adv. without tears.
TIRELESSLYtirelessly adv. In a tireless manner; without tiring, flagging, or ceasing.
TIRELESS adv. seemingly incapable of tiring.
WIRELESSLYwirelessly adv. Without using wires.
WIRELESS adv. signalling through space without conducting wires.
WORDLESSLYwordlessly adv. Without words.
WORDLESS adv. without words.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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