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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 7 ten-letter words containing 2L, O, 2P and R

PREPOLLENTprepollent adj. Having superior influence or power; prevailing; predominant.
prepollent n. An extra first digit, or rudiment of a digit, on the preaxial side of the pollex.
PREPOLLENT adj. having superior influence or power.
PROPELLANTpropellant n. Anything that propels.
propellant adj. Alternative spelling of propellent.
PROPELLANT n. something that propels, also PROPELLENT.
PROPELLENTpropellent n. Alternative spelling of propellant.
propellent adj. Capable of propelling.
PROPELLENT n. something that propels, also PROPELLANT.
PROPELLERSpropellers n. Plural of propeller.
PROPELLER n. someone who, or something which, propels, also PROPELLOR.
PROPELLINGpropelling v. Present participle of propel.
propelling n. An act of driving or urging onward; propulsion.
PROPELLING n. the act of causing a move forward or onward.
PROPELLORSpropellors n. Plural of propellor.
PROPELLOR n. someone who, or something which, propels, also PROPELLER.
SPOROPHYLLsporophyll n. (Botany) The equivalent to a leaf, in ferns and mosses, that bears the sporangia.
SPOROPHYLL n. a leaf that bears sporangia, also SPOROPHYL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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