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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing 2L, 3O and S

CLOSESTOOLclosestool n. Alternative form of close-stool.
close-stool n. (Now historical) A chamber pot enclosed in a stool or box; a commode.
close␣stool n. Alternative form of close-stool.
COLDBLOODSCOLDBLOOD n. a horse belonging to the heavy draught breeds.
COLLODIONScollodions n. Plural of collodion.
COLLODION n. a solution of pyroxylin in ether, used to apply a thin gummy film in photography and surgery, also COLLODIUM.
COYOTILLOScoyotillos n. Plural of coyotillo.
COYOTILLO n. (Spanish) a poisonous shrub of the southwestern United States and Mexico.
DOLOROUSLYdolorously adv. In a dolorous manner.
DOLOROUS adv. full of pain or grief; doleful.
GLOSSOLOGYglossology n. The science of language; linguistics.
glossology n. (Botany) The naming of parts of plants.
glossology n. (Chiefly lexicography) The definition and explanation of terms in constructing a glossary.
OSTEOCOLLAosteocolla n. A kind of glue obtained from bones.
osteocolla n. A cellular calc tufa, found as incrustations on plant stems, once believed to have the power to unite fractured bones.
OSTEOCOLLA n. a kind of glue obtained from bones.
SHONGOLOLOshongololo n. (South Africa) A millipede.
SHONGOLOLO n. (Nguni) a kind of millipede, having a hard shiny dark brown segmented exoskeleton, also SONGOLOLO.
SONGOLOLOSsongololos n. Plural of songololo.
SONGOLOLO n. (Nguni) a kind of millipede, having a hard shiny dark brown segmented exoskeleton, also SHONGOLOLO.
TOLLBOOTHStollbooths n. Plural of tollbooth.
toll␣booths n. Plural of toll booth.
TOLLBOOTH n. (Scots) a town hall, a prison, also TOLBOOTH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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