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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2L, N, P, R and S

ENALAPRILSENALAPRIL n. an ace inhibitor used to treat high blood pressure.
LANDLOPERSlandlopers n. Plural of landloper.
LANDLOPER n. (Dutch) a wanderer, a vagabond.
NULLIPARASnulliparas n. Plural of nullipara.
NULLIPARA n. (Latin) a woman with no children.
NULLIPORESnullipores n. Plural of nullipore.
NULLIPORE n. (Latin) any of various red algae which secrete a crust of calcium carbonate.
PELLAGRINSpellagrins n. Plural of pellagrin.
PELLAGRIN n. one who is afflicted with pellagra, a nervous and digestive disease due to deficiency of nicotinic acid in the diet.
PENCILLERSpencillers n. Plural of penciller.
PENCILLER n. one who pencils, also PENCILER.
PERSONALLYpersonally adv. In a personal manner.
personally adv. In person.
personally adv. Concerning oneself.
POLLENISERpolleniser n. Alternative form of pollenizer.
POLLENISER n. an agent that pollinises, also POLLENIZER.
POLLINISERpolliniser n. Alternative form of pollenizer.
POLLINISER n. an agent that pollinises, also POLLINIZER.
PREINSTALLpreinstall v. (Transitive) To install (Software, etc.) in advance.
preinstall adj. (Computing) Prior to installation.
PRESELLINGpreselling v. Present participle of presell.
PRESELL v. to promote a product not yet available to the public.
REPELLANTSrepellants n. Plural of repellant.
REPELLANT n. something that repels.
REPELLENTSrepellents n. Plural of repellent.
REPELLENT n. something that repels.
RESPELLINGrespelling n. A different spelling of a word, especially to show its pronunciation.
respelling v. Present participle of respell.
RESPELLING n. the act of respelling.
SAILPLANERsailplaner n. One who flies a sailplane.
SAILPLANER n. one who flies a sailplane.
SPIRALLINGspiralling v. (British spelling) present participle of spiral.
spiralling n. Movement in a spiral.
SPIRAL v. to move in spiral fashion.
SUPERNALLYsupernally adv. In a supernal way; celestially.
SUPERNAL adv. being or coming from on high; celestial.
WELLSPRINGwellspring n. The source of water for a stream, spring or well; a fountainhead; a wellhead.
wellspring n. (Figurative) A perennial source of anything; a fountainhead of supply or emanation; resource.
WELLSPRING n. a fountain; a spring; a source of continual supply.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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