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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2L, M, S and 2U

COLLUVIUMScolluviums n. Plural of colluvium.
COLLUVIUM n. (Latin) material which accumulates at the foot of a steep slope.
GLOMERULUSglomerulus n. (Anatomy) A small intertwined group of capillaries within nephrons of the kidney that filter the blood to make urine.
glomerulus n. (Anatomy) A structure in the olfactory bulb central to olfactory sensory transduction, composed of receptor…
glomerulus n. Any of several other similar intertwined masses of things.
HAUSTELLUMhaustellum n. A sucking organ, in the form of a proboscis, in many insects and crustaceans.
HAUSTELLUM n. the sucking organ or proboscis of an insect or crustacean.
LUMINOUSLYluminously adv. In a luminous manner, brightly, glowingly.
LUMINOUS adv. giving off light.
MOLLUSCOUSmolluscous adj. Molluscan.
MOLLUSCOUS adj. like a mollusc.
MULLIGRUBSmulligrubs n. (Obsolete) colic.
mulligrubs n. (Slang) sullenness; sulky behaviour.
mulligrubs n. (Regional) low spirits, mild depression, the blues.
MULTIHULLSmultihulls n. Plural of multihull.
MULTIHULL n. a boat having more than one hull, e.g. a catamaran.
MUSCULARLYmuscularly adv. In a muscular manner.
MUSCULAR adv. pertaining to muscle.
NUMBSKULLSnumbskulls n. Plural of numbskull.
NUMBSKULL n. a stupid person, also NUMSKULL.
NUMSKULLEDnumskulled adj. Alternative form of numbskulled.
NUMSKULLED adj. stupid; doltish, also NUMBSKULLED.
SLUMBERFULslumberful adj. (Poetic) Full of sleep; sleepy.
SLUMBERFUL adj. sleepy.
SUBSELLIUMsubsellium n. A projecting ledge on the stalls in a church where persons might lean whilst standing during prayers; misericord.
SUBSELLIUM n. one of the stalls of the lower range where there are two ranges.
SURMULLETSsurmullets n. Plural of surmullet.
SURMULLET n. a fish much esteemed by the Romans for its dramatic color changes as it died.
TELLURIUMStelluriums n. Plural of tellurium.
TELLURIUM n. a rare chemical element, a silvery-white brittle metalloid resembling selenium.
UMBELLULESumbellules n. Plural of umbellule.
UMBELLULE n. a partial umbel, also UMBELULE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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