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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2L, M, N, O and R

ABNORMALLYabnormally adv. In an abnormal manner; in a way that deviates from a standard, norm, or average.
ABNORMAL adv. not normal.
ENROLLMENTenrollment n. The act of enrolling or the state of being enrolled.
enrollment n. The people enrolled, considered as a group.
enrollment n. The number of people enrolled.
FELLMONGERfellmonger n. (Britain) Someone who sells or works with animal hides and skins.
fellmonger v. To prepare animal skin for tanning.
FELLMONGER n. a dealer in fells or sheepskins, who separates the wool from the pelts.
HORMONALLYhormonally adv. In a hormonal way.
HORMONAL adv. relating to hormones, also HORMONIC.
INFORMALLYinformally adv. In an irregular or informal manner; without the usual forms.
INFORMAL adv. marked by the absence of formality or ceremony, also UNFORMAL.
MELLOTRONSmellotrons n. Plural of mellotron.
MELLOTRON n. (tradename) an electronic keyboard instrument programmed to produce the tape-recorder sounds of orchestral instruments.
MILLIONARYmillionary adj. Of or relating to millions; consisting of millions.
MILLIONARY adj. relating to or consisting of millions.
MISENROLLSMISENROLL v. to enrol wrongly, also MISENROL.
MONAURALLYmonaurally adv. In a monaural fashion.
MONAURAL adv. monophonic, pertaining to one ear.
MORGELLONSMorgellons n. (Pathology) An unproven skin disorder, usually thought to be delusional parasitosis, characterized by…
Morgellons n. (Obsolete) A disease causing hairs to grow on the backs of children.
MORGELLONS n. a condition in which the sufferer experiences crawling, biting, and stinging sensations on the skin.
MORSELLINGMORSELLING n. the act of dividing into morsels.
MOURNFULLYmournfully adv. In a mournful manner; as if in mourning for something.
MOURNFUL adv. sad, grieving.
RUMBULLIONrumbullion n. (Obsolete) Rum, the spirit.
rumbullion n. (Archaic, colloquial) A great tumult.
RUMBULLION n. (obsolete) an older name for rum.
VERMILLIONvermillion n. Alternative spelling of vermilion.
vermillion adj. Alternative spelling of vermilion.
vermillion v. (Archaic) Alternative spelling of vermilion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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