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There are 16 words containing L, M, 2N and X

DEXFENFLURAMINEdexfenfluramine n. A serotonergic anorectic drug used for weight loss in the 1990s, later withdrawn because of cardiovascular…
EXAMINATIONALexaminational adj. Relating to an examination.
EXAMINATIONAL adj. relating to examination.
EXTENSIONALISMextensionalism n. (Philosophy) The belief in extensionality.
EXTENSIONALISM n. the state of being extensional.
EXTENSIONALISMSextensionalisms n. Plural of extensionalism.
EXTENSIONALISM n. the state of being extensional.
METHYLXANTHINEmethylxanthine n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a group of compounds, such as caffeine, formed through the methylation of xanthines.
METHYLXANTHINE n. a methylated xanthine derivative, such as caffeine, theobromine, or theophylline.
METHYLXANTHINESmethylxanthines n. Plural of methylxanthine.
METHYLXANTHINE n. a methylated xanthine derivative, such as caffeine, theobromine, or theophylline.
MONOXYLONmonoxylon n. A canoe or boat made from a single piece of timber.
MONOXYLON n. a canoe made from one log.
MONOXYLONSmonoxylons n. Plural of monoxylon.
MONOXYLON n. a canoe made from one log.
NONCOMPLEXnoncomplex adj. Not complex.
NONCOMPLEX adj. not complex.
NONEXPERIMENTALnonexperimental adj. Not experimental (of a research method).
NONEXPERIMENTAL adj. not experimental.
NONHOMOSEXUALnonhomosexual adj. Not homosexual.
nonhomosexual n. One who is not a homosexual.
NONHOMOSEXUAL n. one who is not homosexual.
NONHOMOSEXUALLYSorry, definition not available.
NONHOMOSEXUALSnonhomosexuals n. Plural of nonhomosexual.
NONHOMOSEXUAL n. one who is not homosexual.
UNNILHEXIUMunnilhexium n. (Dated) seaborgium.
UNNILHEXIUM n. a chemical element, aka seaborgium.
UNNILHEXIUMSUNNILHEXIUM n. a chemical element, aka seaborgium.
XANTHOMELANOUSxanthomelanous adj. (Anthropology, dated) Having yellow, brown, or olive skin and black hair.
XANTHOMELANOUS adj. applied by Huxley to members of the human race with black hair and yellow or olive skins.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 380 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 17 words

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