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There are 11 words containing 2L, X and 2Y

CYCLOHEXYLAMINEcyclohexylamine n. (Organic chemistry) The primary amine derived from cyclohexane by replacing a hydrogen atom by an amino…
CYCLOHEXYLAMINE n. a colorless liquid amine that is used in organic synthesis and to prevent corrosion in boilers and that is believed to be harmful as a metabolic breakdown product of cyclamate.
OXYMORONICALLYoxymoronically adv. In an oxymoronic manner.
oxymoronically adv. With regard to, or using oxymorons.
OXYMORONIC adv. of or like an oxymoron, an apparent paradox achieved by the juxtaposition of words which seem to contradict one another.
PAROXYSMALLYparoxysmally adv. In a paroxysmal manner.
PAROXYSMAL adv. of the nature of a paroxysm.
PHYLLOTAXYphyllotaxy n. Phyllotaxis.
PHYLLOTAXY n. the arrangement of leaves on a stem and in relation to one another, also PHYLLOTAXIS.
POLYCARBOXYLATEpolycarboxylate n. (Organic chemistry) Any ester of a polycarboxylic acid.
POLYCARBOXYLATE n. a salt or ester of a polycarboxylic acid, used in certain detergents.
POLYCARBOXYLICpolycarboxylic adj. (Chemistry) Having multiple carboxylic functional groups.
POLYCARBOXYLIC adj. of or like a polycarboxylate.
PSYCHOSEXUALLYpsychosexually adv. In a psychosexual manner or context.
PSYCHOSEXUAL adv. of or relating to the mental, emotional, and behavioral aspects of sexual development.
XEROPHYTICALLYxerophytically adv. As a xerophyte.
XEROPHYTIC adv. able to withstand drought.
XYLOLOGYxylology n. (Rare) The study of wood.
XYLOLOGY n. the study of the structure of wood.
XYLYLxylyl n. (Organic chemistry) Any of several univalent radicals, of formula (CH3)2C6H3- derived from the three…
XYLYL n. a chemical compound found in coal-tar.
XYLYLSxylyls n. Plural of xylyl.
XYLYL n. a chemical compound found in coal-tar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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