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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing L, N, O and 2Y

BUOYANTLYbuoyantly adv. In a buoyant manner.
BUOYANT adv. having buoyancy.
CLOYINGLYcloyingly adv. In a cloying manner; with distasteful excess.
cloyingly adv. In an excessively sweet manner.
CLOYING adv. CLOY, to gratify beyond desire.
CYTOLYSINcytolysin n. (Biology) Any substance (especially an antibody) capable of breaking down the structure of a cell.
CYTOLYSIN n. an agent that dissolves cells esp. by breaking down their outer membrane.
ENJOYABLYenjoyably adv. In an enjoyable manner.
ENJOYABLE adv. that can be enjoyed.
HONEYEDLYhoneyedly adv. In a honeyed way.
HONEYED adv. HONEY, to sweeten with a sweet thick fluid.
HYMNOLOGYhymnology n. The study of hymns; hymnody.
HYMNOLOGY n. the study of hymns.
HYPNOLOGYhypnology n. A treatise on sleep; the doctrine or science of sleep.
HYPNOLOGY n. the study of sleep or hypnosis.
MONOPHYLYmonophyly n. (Systematics) In cladistics, the condition of being monophyletic, of including all descendants from…
MONOPHYLY n. the state of being monophyletic.
PHILOGYNYphilogyny n. Love or fondness for women.
PHILOGYNY n. the love of women.
PHYLOGENYphylogeny n. (Systematics) The evolutionary history of groups of organisms, such as species or clades.
phylogeny n. (Systematics, informal) A phylogenetic diagram.
phylogeny n. The historical development of a human social or racial group.
POLYANDRYpolyandry n. The having of a plurality of husbands at the same time; usually, the marriage of a woman to more than…
polyandry n. (Zoology) The mating pattern whereby a female copulates with plural males.
polyandry n. Sexual relations with multiple males, by a female or a male, human or non-human, within or without marriage.
POLYMYXINpolymyxin n. Any of several toxic antibiotics, derived from the soil bacterium Bacillus polymyxa, used to treat infections…
POLYMYXIN n. one of a group of mainly toxic antibiotics.
POLYONYMSpolyonyms n. Plural of polyonym.
POLYONYM n. a name consisting of several words.
POLYONYMYpolyonymy n. The use of many names for the same thing or person.
POLYONYMY n. a multiplicity of names for the same thing.
POLYPHONYpolyphony n. (Music) Musical texture consisting of several independent melodic voices, as opposed to music with just…
polyphony n. The quality of a text of being capable of being read in more than one way.
POLYPHONY n. composition in separate, but simultaneous and harmonizing, parts.
POLYVINYLpolyvinyl adj. (Organic chemistry) composed of, or derived from, many vinyl groups.
polyvinyl n. (Organic chemistry) Any polymer derived from a vinyl compound.
POLYVINYL n. a vinyl polymer.
PYROXYLINpyroxylin n. (Organic chemistry) A highly inflammable form of nitrocellulose; used in the manufacture of collodion and lacquers.
PYROXYLIN n. any of the nitrocelluloses, also PYROXYLE, PYROXYLINE.
UNROYALLYunroyally adv. In a way that is not royal, or does not befit royalty.
UNROYAL adv. not royal.
YOUNGTHLYyoungthly adj. (Obsolete, poetic) youthful.
YOUNGTHLY adj. (Spenser) youthful, also YOUTHLY, YOUTHSOME, YOUTHY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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