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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing L, 2N, P and Y

HALFPENNYhalfpenny n. (Plural: halfpennies) (historical) A discontinued British coin worth half of one penny (old or new).
halfpenny n. (Plural: halfpence) A quantity of money worth half a penny.
halfpenny adj. Costing or worth one halfpenny.
LICKPENNYlickpenny n. (Obsolete) Something that devours or absorbs lots of money; something expensive.
lickpenny n. A miserly person.
lickpenny adj. (Obsolete) Expensive.
LUCKPENNYluck␣penny n. (Archaic) A small sum of money given back for luck when paying.
luck␣penny n. A coin carried or given for luck.
LUCKPENNY n. a coin kept for luck.
LYNCHPINSlynchpins n. Plural of lynchpin.
lynchpins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lynchpin.
LYNCHPIN n. a locking pin inserted in the end of a shaft, also LINCHPIN.
NIPPINGLYnippingly adv. In a nipping manner.
NIPPING adv. NIP, to pinch lightly.
NONPLAYERnonplayer n. Someone who is not a player.
NONPLAYER n. one who is not a player.
PANTINGLYpantingly adv. While, or as if, panting; eagerly, breathlessly.
PANTING adv. breathless.
PENDENTLYpendently adv. In a pendent manner.
PENDENT adv. hanging; drooping, also PENDANT.
PENNYLANDpennyland n. (Scotland, historical) An old Scots unit of measure of land.
PENNYLAND n. (historical) land valued at a penny a year.
PENTYLENEPENTYLENE n. an unsaturated hydrocarbon of the olefine series, also PENTENE.
PHENYLENEphenylene n. (Chemistry) Any of three isomeric divalent aromatic radicals derived from benzene by removing two hydrogen…
PHENYLENE n. a compound derived from benzene.
PINNATELYpinnately adv. In a pinnate fashion.
PINNATE adv. resembling a feather, also PINNATED.
PLANGENCYplangency n. The state of being plangent.
PLANGENCY n. resonance.
POLLYANNApollyanna n. Alternative form of Pollyanna.
Pollyanna prop.n. A female given name from Hebrew derived from Polly and Anna; rare in the real world.
Pollyanna n. One who is persistently cheerful and optimistic, even when given cause not to be so.
PUNGENTLYpungently adv. In a pungent manner.
PUNGENT adv. sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell.
PUNNINGLYpunningly adv. In a punning manner; so as to form a pun.
PUNNING adv. playing on words.
TWALPENNYtwalpenny n. (Historical) An old Scots shilling.
TWALPENNY n. (Scots) an old shilling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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