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There are 19 nine-letter words containing L, M, T, U and Y

CONTUMELYcontumely n. Offensive and abusive language or behaviour; scorn, insult.
CONTUMELY n. contemptuous or insulting treatment arising from arrogance.
IMMUTABLYimmutably adv. In an immutable manner. In a way that cannot be varied, or changed.
IMMUTABLE adv. that cannot be changed.
IMPUTABLYimputably adv. In an imputable manner; by imputation.
IMPUTABLE adv. that can be imputed.
LEUCOTOMYleucotomy n. Lobotomy.
LEUCOTOMY n. a surgical scission of the fibres between the frontal lobes of the brain and the thalamus to relieve cases of severe schizophrenia, also LEUKOTOMY.
LEUKOTOMYleukotomy n. (Surgery) lobotomy.
LEUKOTOMY n. a surgical scission of the fibres between the frontal lobes of the brain and the thalamus to relieve cases of severe schizophrenia, also LEUCOTOMY.
MUCOLYTICmucolytic adj. Serving to dissolve mucus.
mucolytic n. A mucolytic agent.
MUCOLYTIC n. an agent that is able to break down mucus.
MULTICITYmulticity adj. Taking place between or relating to two or more cities.
MULTICITY adj. involving several cities.
MULTICOPYmulticopy adj. (Genetics) Pertaining to, or producing, multiple copies of the same gene.
MULTICOPY n. any of several or many copies (of a book, document, record, etc.).
MULTIGYMSmultigyms n. Plural of multigym.
MULTIGYM n. an apparatus designed for various exercises.
MULTIYEARmultiyear adj. Having a duration of multiple years.
MULTIYEAR adj. lasting many years.
MUTUALITYmutuality n. The property of being mutual.
MUTUALITY n. the state of being mutual.
PLUMOSITYplumosity n. The quality or state of being plumose.
PLUMOSITY n. the state of being plumose.
PLUTONOMYplutonomy n. (Sometimes derogatory) The study of the production and distribution of wealth, or a society seen as…
PLUTONOMY n. economics.
SUBLIMITYsublimity n. (Uncountable) The state of being sublime.
sublimity n. (Countable) Something sublime.
SUBLIMITY n. the quality of being sublime.
TEMULENCYtemulency n. Intoxication, drunkenness, temulence.
TEMULENCY n. intoxication, also TEMULENCE.
TIMEOUSLYtimeously adv. (Scotland and South Africa) In a timely manner.
TIMEOUS adv. timely; seasonable, also TIMOUS.
UNKEMPTLYunkemptly adv. In an unkempt manner.
UNKEMPT adv. untidy.
UNTAMABLYuntamably adv. Alternative form of untameably.
UNTAMABLE adv. not tamable, also UNTAMEABLE.
VOLUMETRYvolumetry n. Volumetric analysis.
VOLUMETRY n. the act of measuring by volume.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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