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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 3L, M and S

ALLELISMSallelisms n. Plural of allelism.
ALLELISM n. the state of possessing alleles.
ALLOPLASMalloplasm n. (Biology) Cytoplasm that has been modified to form cilia or flagella.
ALLOPLASM n. protoplasm differentiated to perform a particular function.
CLAMSHELLclamshell n. The shell of a clam.
clamshell n. Any object that, in (literal or figurative) resemblance to the shell of a clam, has a hinge on one edge…
clamshell n. (Often attributive) Any object with some other resemblance to either one or both halves of the shell of a clam.
GLUMELLASglumellas n. Plural of glumella.
GLUMELLA n. the membranous inner bract of a grass flower, aka the palea.
LAMBKILLSLAMBKILL n. an evergreen shrub.
LAMELLOSElamellose adj. Composed of, or having, lamellae; lamelliform.
LAMELLOSE adj. composed of, or having, lamellae.
LAMPSHELLlampshell n. Alternative form of lamp shell.
lamp␣shell n. (Zoology) A brachiopod (Brachiopoda).
LAMPSHELL n. a kind of brachiopod with a shell shaped like an antique lamp.
MALLEOLUSmalleolus n. (Anatomy) The bony prominence with a shape likened to a hammerhead, especially each of those at the…
MALLEOLUS n. (Latin) a rounded bony projection on either side of the ankle.
MILLIGALSmilligals n. Plural of milligal.
MILLIGAL n. a thousandth of a gallon.
MILLSCALEMILLSCALE n. scale formed on iron or steel from heating for forging.
MILLTAILSmill␣tails n. Plural of mill tail.
MILLTAIL n. the channel in which water runs away below a millstream, aka tailrace.
MOLEHILLSmolehills n. Plural of molehill.
mole␣hills n. Plural of mole hill.
MOLEHILL n. a little elevation of earth made by a mole, also MOLECAST.
PALMBALLSPALMBALL n. a baseball pitched from the palm and thumb.
PELLMELLSPELLMELL n. a jumbled mass.
PLIMSOLLSplimsolls n. Plural of plimsoll.
PLIMSOLL n. a rubber-soled cloth shoe, also PLIMSOL, PLIMSOLE.
PULPMILLSpulpmills n. Plural of pulpmill.
pulp␣mills n. Plural of pulp mill.
PULPMILL n. a machine for pulping wood.
SLIMEBALLslimeball n. (Biology) A round lump made up of or coated with slime or a slime-like substance such as mucus.
slimeball n. (Originally US, colloquial, derogatory) A person who is regarded as slimy (that is, sneaky or underhanded)…
slime-ball n. Alternative form of slimeball.
SMELLABLEsmellable adj. (Possibly nonstandard) That can be detected by smell.
SMELLABLE adj. that can be smelled.
VULSELLUMvulsellum n. (Surgery) A type of forceps with hooks at the tip of each blade, used in obstetrics and gynecology.
VULSELLUM n. (Latin) a forceps with toothed or clawed blades, also VULSELLA.
WALKMILLSwalkmills n. Plural of walkmill.
WALKMILL n. a fulling-mill, also WAUKMILL, WAULKMILL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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