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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing L, 2P, S and Y

DISAPPLYdisapply v. (Transitive, law) To decline to apply a rule or law that previously applied.
DISAPPLY v. to make a law inapplicable.
EPILEPSYepilepsy n. (Pathology) A medical condition in which the sufferer experiences seizures (or convulsions) and blackouts.
EPILEPSY n. a disorder of the nervous system.
MISAPPLYmisapply v. To apply incorrectly; to misuse.
MISAPPLY v. to apply wrongly.
PAYSLIPSpayslips n. Plural of payslip.
pay␣slips n. Plural of pay slip.
PAYSLIP n. a note indicating the breakdown of wages.
PLATYPUSplatypus n. A semi-aquatic, egg-laying monotreme mammal with a bill resembling that of a duck, that has a mole-like…
Platypus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Curculionidae – certain weevils.
PLATYPUS n. an aquatic mammal.
PLAYPENSplaypens n. Plural of playpen.
PLAYPEN n. a safety device for a child's play.
PLAYSLIPPLAYSLIP n. a form on which a participant in a lottery draw indicates his or her chosen numbers.
POLYPEDSPOLYPED n. something having many legs, also POLYPOD.
POLYPODSpolypods n. Plural of polypod.
POLYPOD n. (Greek) something having many legs, also POLYPED.
POLYPOUSpolypous adj. Relating to, resembling, or characterized by the presence of a polyp.
POLYPOUS adj. of the nature of a polyp.
RESUPPLYresupply v. (Transitive) To supply again.
resupply v. (Intransitive) To stock up on supplies again.
resupply n. (Uncountable) The act of supplying again.
SCHLEPPYschleppy adj. Slovenly; sloppy.
SCHLEPPY adj. (Yiddish) incompetent, also SHLEPPY.
SLIPPERYslippery adj. Of a surface, having low friction, often due to being covered in a non-viscous liquid, and therefore…
slippery adj. (Figuratively, by extension) Evasive; difficult to pin down.
slippery adj. (Obsolete) Liable to slip; not standing firm.
SLIPPILYslippily adv. In a slippy manner.
SLIPPY adv. slippery.
SLOPPILYsloppily adv. In a sloppy manner, not neatly.
SLOPPY adv. wet or muddy.
SNAPPILYsnappily adv. In a snappy manner.
SNAPPY adv. bad-tempered.
SNIPPILYsnippily adv. In a snippy manner.
SNIPPY adv. stingy, snappish.
SPYPLANEspyplane n. A military aircraft used for surveillance.
spy␣plane n. Alternative form of spyplane.
SPYPLANE n. a plane equipped to collect enemy information.
SUPPLELYsupplely adv. In a supple manner.
supplely adv. Flexibly.
SUPPLE adv. pliant, lithe.
UPPISHLYuppishly adv. In an uppish manner, arrogantly, with an air of superiority.
uppishly adv. (Cricket, of a ball, hit by a batsman) In an upward direction, with the chance of being caught.
UPPISH adv. putting on airs of superiority.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 42 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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