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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing L, 2P, R and T

CLAPTRAPclaptrap n. Empty verbiage or nonsense.
claptrap n. (Historical) A device for producing a clapping sound in theaters.
claptrap n. A device or trick to gain applause; a humbug.
PALPATORpalpator n. One who palpates.
palpator n. A device for palpating.
palpator n. (Zoology, dated) One of a family of clavicorn beetles, including those which have very long maxillary palpi.
POPSTRELpopstrel n. (Music, informal) A female pop singer.
POPSTREL n. a young, attractive female pop star.
PREPLANTpreplant adj. Prior to planting.
preplant v. To plant prior to another action (especially another planting).
PREPLANT adj. occurring before planting.
PRESPLITpresplit v. (Mining) To shape the outcome of an explosive blast by forming cracks in advance.
presplit n. (Mining) A crack produced for this purpose.
PRESPLIT adj. before a split.
PROMPTLYpromptly adv. In prompt manner; both soon and quickly.
PROMPT adv. done without delay.
PULPITERpulpiter n. (Obsolete) A preacher.
PULPITER n. someone who speaks from a pulpit, a preacher, also PULPITEER.
PULPITRYpulpitry n. (Obsolete) The teachings of the pulpit; preaching.
PULPITRY n. sermonizing.
PURPLESTpurplest adj. Superlative form of purple: most purple.
PURPLE adj. of a colour which is a mixture between blue and red.
RIPPLETSripplets n. Plural of ripplet.
RIPPLET n. a small ripple.
STIPPLERstippler n. An artist who uses the technique of stippling.
stippler n. A brush with a spongy circle of soft bristles.
STIPPLER n. one who stipples.
THRAPPLEthrapple n. (Chiefly Northern England, Northern Ireland, Scotland) The throat, especially the gullet or windpipe.
thrapple v. (Transitive, chiefly Northern England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, dated) To strangle, to throttle.
THRAPPLE v. (Scots) to throttle, strangle, also THROPPLE.
THROPPLEthropple n. (Chiefly Northern England, Northern Ireland, Scotland) Alternative spelling of thrapple.
thropple v. (Transitive, chiefly Northern England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, dated) Alternative spelling of thrapple.
THROPPLE v. (Scots) to throttle, strangle, also THRAPPLE.
TIPPLERStipplers n. Plural of tippler.
TIPPLER n. one who tipples, drinks alcohol constantly in small quantities.
TRIPPLEDTRIPPLE v. to proceed at this pace.
TRIPPLERTRIPPLER n. (South African) a horse that tripples, proceeds at a pace between a walk and a trot.
TRIPPLESTRIPPLE v. to proceed at this pace.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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