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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing L, O, Q, S and U

ALIQUOTSaliquots n. Plural of aliquot.
ALIQUOT n. (Latin) a number that divides into another without leaving a remainder.
AQUILONSAQUILON n. (Shakespeare) the north wind.
COEQUALScoequals n. Plural of coequal.
COEQUAL n. one who is equal in rank or power.
JONQUILSjonquils n. Plural of jonquil.
JONQUIL n. a species of narcissus.
OBLIQUESobliques n. Collectively, the abdominal muscles responsible for rotation of the trunk.
obliques n. Plural of oblique.
OBLIQUE v. (obsolete) to deviate from a direct line.
OLDSQUAWoldsquaw n. (No longer official, deprecated, now possibly offensive) Clangula hyemalis, the long-tailed duck, a…
old␣squaw n. Alternative form of oldsquaw.
OLDSQUAW n. a kind of sea duck, aka hareld, also OLDWIFE.
QUILLONSquillons n. Plural of quillon.
QUILLON n. (French) the arm of the cross-guard of a sword handle.
QUILLOWSquillows n. Plural of quillow.
QUILLOW n. a quilt made into a pillow.
QUODLINSquodlins n. Plural of quodlin.
QUODLIN n. a variety of elongated apple, also CODLIN, CODLING.
RORQUALSrorquals n. Plural of rorqual.
RORQUAL n. a large whale, a finback.
SOLIQUIDSOLIQUID n. a fluid colloidal system.
SQUALOIDsqualoid adj. Characteristic of a shark or dogfish.
squaloid n. Any dogfish (family Squalidae).
SQUALOID adj. like a shark.
SQUALORSsqualors n. Plural of squalor.
SQUALOR n. the state of being squalid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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