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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing L, 2O and 2T

BOOTLASTBOOTLAST n. a footlike last on which boots or shoes are made.
BORLOTTIBORLOTTI adj. (Italian) as in borlotti bean, a variety of kidney bean.
DOLCETTOdolcetto n. A grape variety from Piedmont, used to make a red wine.
dolcetto n. The dry, slightly bitter wine made from this grape.
DOLCETTO n. (Italian) a variety of grape for making wine.
FLATFOOTflatfoot n. (Medicine, chiefly in the plural) A condition in which the arch of the foot makes contact with the ground.
flatfoot n. A person having the above condition.
flatfoot n. (Colloquial, archaic, derogatory, law enforcement) (plural typically flatfoots) A policeman.
OTOLITHSotoliths n. Plural of otolith.
OTOLITH n. a calcium concretion in the inside of a vertebrate's ear to aid in equilibrium.
OUTFLOAToutfloat v. (Transitive) To float better than; to surpass in floating.
OUTFLOAT v. to float longer than.
OUTPLOTSoutplots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outplot.
OUTPLOT v. to surpass in plotting.
POLTFOOTpoltfoot n. Alternative form of polt foot.
polt-foot adj. Having a distorted foot, or a clubfoot or clubfeet.
polt␣foot n. Clubfoot.
ROOTLETSrootlets n. Plural of rootlet.
ROOTLET n. a small root.
ROTOTILLrototill v. (US) To break up and turn soil using a rototiller.
rototill v. (Software) To make extensive and pervasive changes to a piece of code without altering its functionality.
ROTOTILL v. to till soil with a type of farming implement.
STOLPORTSTOLport n. (Aviation) An airport designed for STOL or short-field operations.
STOLPORT n. an airport for aircraft needing shorter runways.
TOLBOOTHtolbooth n. Archaic form of toll booth.
TOLBOOTH n. (Scots) a town hall, a prison, also TOLLBOOTH.
TOOLKITStoolkits n. Plural of toolkit.
tool␣kits n. Plural of tool kit.
TOOLKIT n. a set of tools.
TOOLSETStoolsets n. Plural of toolset.
TOOLSET n. a group of related tools in a computer application.
TOOLTIPStooltips n. Plural of tooltip.
TOOLTIP n. a box on a computer screen containing supplementary information that appears when a particular feature is used.
TOOTHFULtoothful n. (Archaic) A small amount, especially a small alcoholic drink.
toothful adj. Toothy; showing the teeth.
toothful adj. (Obsolete) Toothsome.
TOOTHILYtoothily adv. In a toothy manner.
TOOTHY adv. having prominent teeth.
TOOTLERStootlers n. Plural of tootler.
TOOTLER n. one who tootles.
TOOTLINGtootling v. Present participle of tootle.
tootling n. The sound of a tootle.
TOOTLE v. to go along casually, esp. by car; to make feeble sounds on the flute, also TOODLE.
TOPLOFTYtoplofty adj. Self-important, haughty.
TOPLOFTY adj. high and mighty, haughty, also TOPLOFTICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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