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There are 17 eight-letter words containing L, N, O, U and W

BLOWGUNSblowguns n. Plural of blowgun.
BLOWGUN n. a long straight tube from which an arrow, pellet, etc. is blown by the breath, also BLOWPIPE, BLOWTUBE.
BLUEGOWNBluegown n. (Historical) One of a class of paupers or pensioners, or licensed beggars, in Scotland, who received…
BLUEGOWN n. one of a former class of licensed beggars in Scotland.
BUNGALOWbungalow n. A single-storey house, typically with rooms all on one level, or sometimes also with upper rooms set…
bungalow n. A thatched or tiled one-story house in India surrounded by a wide veranda; a similar house in this style.
BUNGALOW n. (Hindi) a lightly-built house, properly one with a veranda and one storey.
DOWNHAULdownhaul n. (Nautical) Any rope used to haul down a sail or spar.
DOWNHAUL n. a rope for hauling down sails.
LUNGWORMlungworm n. Any of the diverse species of nematode worms that are parasitic to mammalian lungs, principally found…
LUNGWORM n. a kind of parasitic worm.
LUNGWORTlungwort n. Any of various European plants, of the genus Pulmonaria (family Boraginaceae), that were once used to…
lungwort n. Any of several other, not closely related plants, used to treat respiratory disorders.
LUNGWORT n. a wild flower with spotted leaves.
OUTFLOWNoutflown v. Past participle of outfly.
OUTFLY v. to surpass in speed of flight.
SUNGLOWSSUNGLOW n. a glow in the sky caused by the sun.
UNBLOWEDunblowed adj. (Obsolete) Not having blossomed.
UNBLOWED adj. (Shakespeare) not blown, still in the bud, also UNBLOWN.
UNCOWLEDuncowled v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncowl.
UNCOWL v. to remove the cowl from.
UNFOLLOWunfollow v. (Transitive, intransitive, social media) To cease to subscribe to (a feed of another user’s activity).
UNFOLLOW v. to decline to receive messages from (a person who is posting on a social media site).
UNHALLOWunhallow v. To profane; to desecrate.
UNHALLOW v. to profane.
UNMELLOWunmellow adj. Not mellow.
UNMELLOW adj. not mellow.
UNPLOWEDunplowed adj. Alternative spelling of unploughed.
UNPLOWED adj. not plowed.
WAGONFULwagonful n. The amount that will fit in a wagon.
WAGONFUL n. as much as a wagon can hold.
WOUNDILYwoundily adv. (Obsolete) Excessively; greatly.
WOUNDY adv. (archaic) excessive.
WRONGFULwrongful adj. Wrong or unjust.
wrongful adj. Unlawful or illegal.
WRONGFUL adj. wrong.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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