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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing L, M, P and 2U

PABULUMSpabulums n. Plural of pabulum.
PABULUM n. (Latin) food, esp. a suspension or solution of nutrients in a state suitable for absorption; something (as writing or speech) that is insipid, simplistic, or bland, also PABLUM.
PECULIUMpeculium n. (Law, historical) The savings of a son or a slave, with the father’s or master’s consent; a little property…
peculium n. A special fund for private and personal uses.
PECULIUM n. (Latin) private property.
PENDULUMpendulum n. (Clocks, mechanics) A body suspended from a fixed support so that it swings freely back and forth under…
pendulum n. A lamp, etc. suspended from a ceiling.
pendulum n. A watch’s guard-ring by which it is attached to a chain.
PLUMBOUSplumbous adj. (Chemistry) Of, pertaining to, resembling or containing lead.
plumbous adj. (Chemistry) Specifically, of compounds in which it has a lower valence as contrasted with plumbic compounds.
PLUMBOUS adj. containing lead.
PLUMBUMSPLUMBUM n. (obsolete) lead.
PLUMULAEplumulae n. Plural of plumula.
PLUMULA n. (Latin) the embryo shoot in a seed, also PLUMULE.
PLUMULARplumular adj. (Botany) Relating to a plumule.
PLUMULAR adj. relating to a plumule, a little feather or plume.
PLUMULESplumules n. Plural of plumule.
PLUMULE n. the embryo shoot in a seed, also PLUMULA.
PULLORUMpullorum n. (Veterinary medicine) A severe infectious disease of young poultry, caused by a form of the salmonella bacterium.
PULLORUM adj. as in pullorum disease, a bacterial infection in chickens.
PULPITUMpulpitum n. A massive, often decorative screen of stone or timber that divides the choir from the nave and ambulatory…
PULPITUM n. (Latin) a gigantic stone screen separating a cathedral choir from the nave.
SPECULUMspeculum n. (Medicine) A medical instrument used during an examination to dilate an orifice.
speculum n. A mirror, especially one used in a telescope.
speculum n. (Ornithology) A bright, lustrous patch of colour found on the wings of ducks and some other birds, usually…
SPICULUMspiculum n. A thrusting javelin used by Romans that replaced the pilum in the late 3rd century.
spiculum n. A sharp, pointed crystal, especially of ice.
spiculum n. (Zoology) A sharp, needle-like structure, especially those making up the skeleton of a sponge.
UNPLUMBSunplumbs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unplumb.
UNPLUMB v. to remove lead from.
UNPLUMEDunplumed adj. Without plumes.
UNPLUME v. to strip of feathers.
UNPLUMESunplumes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unplume.
UNPLUME v. to strip of feathers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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