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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing L, M, O and 2U

COAGULUMcoagulum n. A mass of coagulated material; a clot or curd.
COAGULUM n. (Latin) a clot.
CUMULOSEcumulose adj. Full of heaps.
CUMULOSE adj. pertaining to clouds.
CUMULOUScumulous adj. Alternative form of cumulus.
CUMULOUS adj. like cumulus, a kind of cloud.
EULOGIUMeulogium n. A eulogy.
EULOGIUM n. (Latin) a speech or writing in praise, also EULOGY.
HAMULOUShamulous adj. Shaped like a little hook, or hamule.
HAMULOUS adj. relating to a small hook, also HAMULAR, HAMULATE, HAMULOSE.
HUMORFULhumorful adj. Humorous; comical.
HUMORFUL adj. full of humor, also HUMOURFUL.
INOCULUMinoculum n. The active material used in an inoculation; an inoculant.
INOCULUM n. (Latin) the material used in an inoculation.
LUMINOUSluminous adj. Emitting light; glowing brightly; shining.
luminous adj. Brightly illuminated.
luminous adj. Clear; enlightening; easy to understand.
MOURNFULmournful adj. Filled with grief or sadness; being in a state in which one mourns.
mournful adj. Fit to inspire mourning; tragic.
MOURNFUL adj. sad, grieving.
MOUTHFULmouthful n. The amount that will fit in a mouth.
mouthful n. (Slang) Quite a bit.
mouthful n. Something difficult to pronounce or say.
PLUMBOUSplumbous adj. (Chemistry) Of, pertaining to, resembling or containing lead.
plumbous adj. (Chemistry) Specifically, of compounds in which it has a lower valence as contrasted with plumbic compounds.
PLUMBOUS adj. containing lead.
PULLORUMpullorum n. (Veterinary medicine) A severe infectious disease of young poultry, caused by a form of the salmonella bacterium.
PULLORUM adj. as in pullorum disease, a bacterial infection in chickens.
RAMULOUSramulous adj. Alternative form of ramulose.
RAMULOUS adj. having many small branches, also RAMULOSE.
TUMULOSEtumulose adj. Alternative form of tumulous.
TUMULOSE adj. full of mounds, also TUMULOUS.
TUMULOUStumulous adj. Full of small hills or mounds; hilly; tumulose.
TUMULOUS adj. full of mounds, also TUMULOSE.
UNMOULDSunmoulds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unmould.
UNMOULD v. to change the form of; to reduce from any form, also UNMOLD.
VERMOULUVERMOULU adj. (French) eaten by worms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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