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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing L, 2M, R and U

CRUMMILYcrummily adv. In a crummy way.
CRUMMY adv. mean, despicable, also CRUMMIE.
FLUMMERYflummery n. A custard; any of several bland, gelatinous foodstuffs, usually made from stewed fruit and thickened…
flummery n. Empty or meaningless talk, especially when used to flatter.
flummery n. Pretentious trappings, useless ornaments used to impress.
MUMBLERSmumblers n. Plural of mumbler.
MUMBLER n. one who mumbles.
MUMBLIERmumblier adj. Comparative form of mumbly: more mumbly.
MUMBLY adj. given to mumbling.
NUMMULARnummular adj. (Obsolete, rare) Of or relating to coins or money.
nummular adj. (By extension) Flattened with a rounded form, as a disc; coin-shaped.
NUMMULAR adj. shaped like a coin.
PLUMMIERplummier adj. Comparative form of plummy: more plummy.
PLUMMY adj. full of plums.
SLUMMERSslummers n. Plural of slummer.
SLUMMER n. one who slums.
SLUMMIERslummier adj. Comparative form of slummy: more slummy.
SLUMMY adj. resembling a slum.
STRUMMELstrummel n. Alternative spelling of strommel (“straw”).
strummel n. Alternative spelling of strommel (“hair”).
STRUMMEL n. (obsolete) a straw; hence, hair, also STRAMMEL.
SUMMERLYsummerly adj. Characteristic of summer; summer-like; warm and sunny.
SUMMERLY adj. of or like summer, also SUMMERY.
TUMMLERStummlers n. Plural of tummler.
TUMMLER n. (Yiddish) one, such as a social director or entertainer, who encourages guest or audience participation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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