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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing L, 2M, N and O

AMMONALSammonals n. Plural of ammonal.
AMMONAL n. a powerful explosive.
COMMONLYcommonly adv. As a rule; frequently; usually.
commonly adv. (Obsolete) in common; familiarly.
COMMON adv. ordinary.
COMMUNALcommunal adj. Pertaining to a community.
communal adj. Shared by a community; public.
communal adj. (India) defined by religious ideas; based on religion.
GLOMMINGglomming v. Present participle of glom.
GLOM v. to steal, take a look, also GLAUM.
LIMONIUMLimonium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Plumbaginaceae – statice, sea lavender and related species.
LIMONIUM n. a sea plant with brightly coloured funnel-shaped flowers.
LOMENTUMlomentum n. Synonym of loment.
LOMENTUM n. (Latin) a type of plant pod, also LOMENT.
MAMELONSmamelons n. Plural of mamelon.
MAMELON n. (French) a rounded hill or protuberance.
MELANOMAmelanoma n. (Oncology, pathology) A dark-pigmented, usually malignant tumor arising from a melanocyte and occurring…
MELANOMA n. a darkly pigmented tumor.
MOLIMENSmolimens n. Plural of molimen.
MOLIMEN n. (Latin) a great effort, esp. any physical effort made by the body in carrying out a natural function.
MOMENTLYmomently adv. (Archaic) From moment to moment; continually.
momently adv. (Now literary) Momentarily; for a moment.
MOMENTLY adv. from moment to moment.
MONOMIALmonomial adj. Being or relating to a polynomial consisting of one term.
monomial n. (Mathematics) A single term consisting of a product of numbers and variables with positive integer exponents.
MONOMIAL n. an algebraic expression consisting of a single term.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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