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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2L, R, T and U

ARTFULLYartfully adv. In an artful manner.
ARTFUL adv. crafty.
BRUTALLYbrutally adv. In a brutal manner; viciously, barbarically.
brutally adv. In a direct way that does not attempt to hide, disguise or mask unpleasantness; directly.
brutally adv. (Slang) Extremely.
CULTURALcultural adj. Pertaining to culture.
cultural adj. (Technical) Due to human activity.
CULTURAL adj. relating to culture.
OUTROLLSoutrolls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outroll.
OUTROLL v. to roll out.
POLLUTERpolluter n. A subject that pollutes, be it a person, company, country, factory or another subject.
POLLUTER n. one who pollutes.
RITUALLYritually adv. In a ritual manner.
ritually adv. By habit.
RITUAL adv. according to rite.
ROLLOUTSrollouts n. Plural of rollout.
roll-outs n. Plural of roll-out.
ROLLOUT n. a type of play in football.
SULTRILYsultrily adv. In a sultry manner.
SULTRY adv. humid and oppressive.
TAILLEURtailleur n. A woman’s tailored suit.
TAILLEUR n. (French) a woman's tailored suit.
TELLURALtellural adj. Of or pertaining to the earth.
TELLURAL adj. of or pertaining to the earth, also TELLURIC.
TELLURICtelluric adj. Pertaining to the Earth, earthly.
telluric adj. (Chemistry) Containing tellurium in a lower valency than in tellurous compounds.
telluric n. Synonym of telluric current.
TRILLIUMtrillium n. Any of several perennial flowering plants, of the genus Trillium, having flowers with three petals.
Trillium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Melanthiaceae.
TRILLIUM n. a three-leaved plant of the lily family.
TROLLIUStrollius n. (Botany) Any of the genus Trollius of mostly herbaceous perennial plants in the family Ranunculaceae.
Trollius prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ranunculaceae – certain flowering plants.
TROLLIUS n. the globeflower.
TURNHALLturnhall n. Alternative form of turnhalle.
TURNHALL n. a building where gymnasts practice.
ULTRALOWultralow adj. Extremely low.
ULTRALOW adj. extremely low.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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