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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing 2L, R and 2T

ALLOTTERallotter n. One who allots.
ALLOTTER n. one who allots.
LATTERLYlatterly adv. In a latter manner.
latterly adv. (Obsolete) lately, recently.
LATTERLY adv. lately.
LITTORALlittoral adj. Of or relating to the shore, especially the seashore.
littoral n. A shore.
littoral n. The zone of a coast between high tide and low tide levels.
ROTOTILLrototill v. (US) To break up and turn soil using a rototiller.
rototill v. (Software) To make extensive and pervasive changes to a piece of code without altering its functionality.
ROTOTILL v. to till soil with a type of farming implement.
TESTRILLTESTRILL n. (obsolete) a sixpence, also TESTRIL.
TORTELLITORTELLI n. (Italian) small pasta parcels stuffed with meat, cheese or vegetables, also TORTELLINI.
TORTILLAtortilla n. (Mexican cuisine) A flat round bread made out of cornmeal or flour.
tortilla n. (Spanish cuisine) Spanish omelette; an omelette containing potatoes and onions.
TORTILLA n. (Spanish) an unleavened cake, as of maize flour, baked on a heated iron or stone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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