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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2L, 2R and S

ALLURERSallurers n. Plural of allurer.
ALLURER n. one who allures.
BURRELLSBurrells prop.n. Plural of Burrell.
BURRELL n. (Hindi) a Himalayan blue sheep, also BHARAL, BURHEL, BURREL, BURRHEL.
CARRELLScarrells n. Plural of carrell.
CARRELL n. a desk for private study in a library, also CARREL.
CRULLERScrullers n. Plural of cruller.
CRULLER n. (Dutch) in N. America, a type of sweet cake fried in fat, also KRULLER.
DRILLERSdrillers n. Plural of driller.
DRILLER n. one who drills.
FRILLERSfrillers n. Plural of friller.
FRILLER n. one that frills.
GRILLERSgrillers n. Plural of griller.
GRILLER n. a person who or thing which grills.
KRULLERSkrullers n. Plural of kruller.
KRULLER n. (Dutch) in North America, a type of sweet cake fried in fat, also CRULLER.
LORRELLSLORRELL n. (Spenser) a good for nothing fellow, also LOREL, LOSEL, LOZELL.
MORRELLSMorrells prop.n. Plural of Morrell.
MORRELL n. (Native Australian) a tall eucalyptus of SW Australia.
PROLLERSprollers n. Plural of proller.
PROLLER n. (obsolete) a prowler, also PROLER, PROULER.
RALLIERSralliers n. Plural of rallier.
RALLIER n. one who rallies.
REDRILLSredrills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of redrill.
REDRILL v. to drill again.
RESELLERreseller n. A company or individual that purchases goods or services with the intention of reselling them rather…
RESELLER n. one who resells.
ROLLBARSrollbars n. Plural of rollbar.
roll␣bars n. Plural of roll bar.
ROLLBAR n. a frame to protect the driver in racing cars.
SCROLLERscroller n. One who, or that which, scrolls.
scroller n. (Demoscene) Synonym of scrolly (“scrolling message”).
SCROLLER n. someone or something that scrolls.
SHRILLERshriller adj. Comparative form of shrill: more shrill.
SHRILL adj. having a high-pitched piercing quality.
STROLLERstroller n. (US) A seat or chair on wheels, pushed by somebody walking behind it, typically used for transporting…
stroller n. One who strolls.
stroller n. A vagrant.
TRILLERStrillers n. Plural of triller.
TRILLER n. a kind of tropical bird.
TROLLERStrollers n. Plural of troller.
TROLLER n. a person who trolls, esp. in fishing; a fishing boat used for trolling a line.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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