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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 2L, M, O and T

MAILLOTSmaillots n. Plural of maillot.
MAILLOT n. (French) tights worn by a ballet dancer.
MARTELLOmartello n. Alternative form of Martello.
Martello n. Martello tower.
MARTELLO n. (Italian) a circular fort for coastal defence.
MELILOTSmelilots n. Plural of melilot.
MELILOT n. a wild flower.
MISALLOTmisallot v. (Transitive) To allot or apportion badly or wrongly.
MISALLOT v. to allot wrongly.
MOLALITYmolality n. (Chemistry) the concentration of a substance in solution, expressed as the number of moles of solute…
MOLALITY n. the number of moles of solute per litre of solvent, also MOLARITY.
MOLTENLYmoltenly adv. While, or as if, molten; incandescently.
MOLTEN adv. made liquid by heat.
MORTALLYmortally adv. Fatally; in such a way as to cause death.
mortally adv. (Obsolete) As a mortal.
MORTAL adv. fatal.
MORTBELLmort␣bell n. Synonym of passing bell.
MORTBELL n. a funeral bell.
MOTHBALLmothball n. (Usually in the plural) A small ball of chemical pesticide (typically naphthalene) and deodorant placed…
mothball v. (Transitive) To store or shelve something no longer used.
mothball v. (Transitive, figuratively) To stop using (something), but keep it in good condition.
OUTSMELLoutsmell v. (Transitive) To smell more acutely than.
outsmell v. (Transitive) To have a stronger smell than; to drown out (another smell).
OUTSMELL v. to surpass in smelling.
TIMOLOLSTIMOLOL n. a relaxant medicine used to treat blood pressure.
TOMALLEYtomalley n. (Cooking) The hepatopancreas of a crustacean.
TOMALLEY n. (Caribbean) the liver of the lobster, which makes a green sauce when cooked.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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