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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2L, M, N and O

ALLOMONEallomone n. (Biology) Any substance emitted by a member of one species that affects the behaviour of another to…
ALLOMONE n. a chemical substance secreted by certain insects that affects other species detrimentally.
ALLONYMSallonyms n. Plural of allonym.
ALLONYM n. the name of a person, usually historical, taken by an author as a pen name (as opposed to using a fictional pseudonym).
COLUMNALcolumnal n. A disklike part of the stem of a crinoid.
columnal adj. Columnar.
COLUMNAL n. a circular disklike section of the stem of a crinoid.
CORNMILLcornmill n. A mill where corn is ground.
CORNMILL n. a flour-mill.
LINOLEUMlinoleum n. An inexpensive waterproof covering used especially for floors, made from solidified linseed oil over…
LINOLEUM n. a durable material used as floor covering.
MANZELLOmanzello n. (Music) A modified saxello, with an upturned bell.
MANZELLO n. a musical instrument like the soprano saxophone.
MILLIONSmillions n. Plural of million.
MILLION n. a thousand thousand.
MILLPONDmillpond n. A pond or reservoir produced by damming a river or stream in order to provide a steady source of water for a millrace.
MILLPOND n. a pool formed by damming a stream to provide water to turn a millwheel.
MOELLONSmoellons n. Plural of moellon.
MOELLON n. (French) rubble in mason-work.
MOLTENLYmoltenly adv. While, or as if, molten; incandescently.
MOLTEN adv. made liquid by heat.
MONELLINmonellin n. (Biochemistry) A sweet protein found in Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii.
MONELLIN n. a protein extracted from a West African red berry.
MONILIALmonilial adj. (Medicine) Pertaining to or caused by a monilia.
MONILIAL adj. relating to monilia, thrush.
MONOHULLmonohull n. A boat that has a single hull.
MONOHULL n. a vessel with one hull, as compared with a catamaran or trimaran.
MULLIONSmullions n. Plural of mullion.
MULLION v. to provide the upright division between the panes of a window.
NORMALLYnormally adv. Under normal conditions or circumstances; usually; most of the time.
normally adv. In the expected or customary manner.
normally adv. To a usual or customary extent or degree.
SEMILLONSemillon prop.n. Alternative spelling of Sémillon.
Sémillon prop.n. A golden-skinned grape used to make dry and sweet white wines, most notably in France and Australia.
Sémillon prop.n. A variety of wine made from this grape.
SOLEMNLYsolemnly adv. In a solemn manner.
SOLEMN adv. serious.
UNMELLOWunmellow adj. Not mellow.
UNMELLOW adj. not mellow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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