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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 3L, P and U

BELLPULLbellpull n. Alternative spelling of bell-pull.
bell-pull n. A rope that rings a bell.
bell-pull n. A handle attached to a rope that rings a bell.
LAPILLUSlapillus n. A fragment of lava ejected from a volcano.
lapillus n. (Zoology) One of the otoliths in finfish.
LAPILLUS n. (Latin) a small stone ejected by volcanic eruption.
LILLIPUTlilliput n. Any of various small freshwater mussels of the genus Toxolasma, found mainly in the southeastern United States.
Lilliput prop.n. (Fiction) An imaginary island populated by tiny people, in the book Gulliver’s Travels.
Lilliput prop.n. (By extension) A generic name of a fictional country, sometimes contrasted with a counterpart Brobdingnag or Blefuscu.
PLURALLYplurally adv. In a plural manner or fashion.
PLURAL adv. more than one.
PULPALLYpulpally adv. (Dentistry) In terms of the pulp.
PULPAL adv. pertaining to pulp.
PULPMILLpulpmill n. Alternative form of pulp mill.
pulp␣mill n. A factory for making paper pulp from (usually) wood.
PULPMILL n. a machine for pulping wood.
PULVILLEpulville n. Alternative form of pulvillio.
PULVILLE n. (historical) perfumed powder; snuff, also PULVIL, PULVILIO, PULVILLIO.
PULVILLIpulvilli n. Plural of pulvillus.
PULVILLUS n. (Latin) a little cushion or pad.
SPELLFULspellful adj. Abounding in spells or charms.
SPELLFUL adj. abounding in spells, or charms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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