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There are 19 seven-letter words containing L, R, T, U and Y

BRUTELYbrutely adv. In a rude or violent manner.
BRUTE adv. brutal.
BUTLERYbutlery n. (Countable) butler’s pantry; serving pantry.
butlery n. (Uncountable) The work or role of a butler.
BUTLERY n. a storage room.
BUTYRALbutyral n. (Organic chemistry) butyraldehyde.
BUTYRAL n. a kind of resin.
BUTYRYLbutyryl n. (Organic chemistry, especially in combination) The univalent radical C3H7COO- derived from butyric acid.
BUTYRYL n. a radical of butyric acid.
COURTLYcourtly adj. Befitting of a royal court; reflecting the manners or behaviour of people at court.
courtly adj. Of or relating to a royal court.
courtly adj. (Obsolete) Overly eager to please or obey.
CRUELTYcruelty n. (Uncountable) An indifference to suffering or pleasure in inflicting suffering.
cruelty n. (Countable) A cruel act.
CRUELTY n. savage behaviour towards a person or animal.
CUTLERYcutlery n. A collective ensemble of eating and serving utensils such as knives, forks and spoons.
cutlery n. The business of a cutler.
CUTLERY n. the business of a cutler.
ELYTRUMelytrum n. Alternative form of elytron.
ELYTRUM n. (Latin) a hardened forewing of certain insects, also ELYTRON.
LITURGYliturgy n. A predetermined or prescribed set of rituals that are performed, usually by a religion.
liturgy n. An official worship service of the Christian church.
liturgy n. (Historical) In Ancient Greece, a form of personal service to the state.
LOUTERYLOUTERY n. loutish behaviour.
LYTHRUMLythrum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lythraceae – certain flowering plants called loosestrife.
LYTHRUM n. any of a genus of plants including loosestrife.
POULTRYpoultry n. Domestic fowl (e.g. chickens, ducks, turkeys, and geese) raised for food (either meat or eggs).
poultry n. The meat from a domestic fowl.
Poultry prop.n. A street in the City of London between Cheapside and Cornhill (at Bank).
RUSTILYrustily adv. In a rusty manner.
RUSTY adv. covered with rust.
RUTTILYruttily adv. In a rutty manner; with ruts.
RUTTY adv. marked by ruts.
SUTLERYsutlery n. The trade of a sutler.
sutlery n. A sutler’s shop.
SUTLERY n. a camp hawker's stall.
TILBURYtilbury n. (Historical) A small open two-wheeled carriage.
tilbury n. (Slang, obsolete) Sixpence (formerly the fare from Gravesend to Tilbury Fort).
Tilbury prop.n. A town and port in Thurrock, Essex, England (OS grid ref TQ639761).
TRAYFULtrayful n. As much as a tray will hold.
TRAYFUL n. as much as a tray can hold.
UNTRULYuntruly adv. In an untrue manner.
UNTRUE adv. not true.
UTTERLYutterly adv. Completely; entirely; to the fullest extent.
UTTER adv. complete.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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