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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 6 seven-letter words containing L, M and 3O

HOMOLOGhomolog n. Something homologous; a homologous organ or part, chemical compound or chromosome.
homolog n. (Linguistics) A word shared by two languages or dialects.
homolog n. (Genetics) One of a group of similar DNA sequences that share a common ancestry.
MONOLOGmonolog n. (American spelling) Alternative form of monologue.
monolog v. (American spelling) Alternative form of monologue.
MONOLOG n. a lengthy speech by one person.
MOOLOOSMOOLOO n. (New Zealand) someone from the Waikato.
MOORLOGmoorlog n. Peat obtained from below the surface of a bog.
MOORLOG n. a deposit of decayed woody material under a marsh.
TOMBOLOtombolo n. (Geography) A spit of sand linking an island to the mainland (or to another island), formed by longshore drift.
TOMBOLO n. (Italian) a sandbar connecting an island to the mainland.
TOMFOOLtomfool n. A silly or stupid person, especially a boy or man.
tomfool n. (Caribbean, colloquial) Any of various tyrant flycatchers viewed as foolishly confiding.
tomfool adj. Silly or stupid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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