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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing L, M, N, O and U

COLUMNScolumns n. Plural of column.
columns n. (Juggling) pattern which involves throwing props in the air alternately.
COLUMN n. a vertical cylindrical support.
MOANFULmoanful adj. Full of moaning; expressing sorrow.
MOANFUL adj. full of moaning; expressing sorrow.
MONAULSmonauls n. Plural of monaul.
MONAUL n. (Nepali) a kind of pheasant, native to the Himalayas, also MONAL.
MOUFLONmouflon n. A species of wild sheep, Ovis orientalis musimon, syn. Ovis aries musimon, endemic to Sardinia and Corsica.
MOUFLON n. (French) a Corsican wild sheep, also MOUFFLON, MUFLON, MUSIMON, MUSMON.
MOULINSmoulins n. Plural of moulin.
Moulins prop.n. A town and commune, the capital of the Allier department, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France.
Moulins prop.n. A commune in Aisne department, Hauts-de-France, France.
MOULTENmoulten adj. (Obsolete) Having moulted.
MOULTEN adj. (Shakespeare) having moulted.
MUFLONSmuflons n. Plural of muflon.
MUFLON n. (French) a Corsican wild sheep, also MOUFFLON, MOUFLON, MUSIMON, MUSMON.
MULLIONmullion n. (Architecture) A vertical bar between the panes of glass or casements of a window or the panels of a screen.
mullion v. (Transitive) To shape into divisions by means of mullions.
Mullion prop.n. A village and civil parish in south-west Cornwall, England (OS grid ref SW6719).
NELUMBOnelumbo n. Any of the genus Nelumbo of aquatic plants with large, showy flowers resembling water lilies, the lotuses.
Nelumbo prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Nelumbonaceae – the sacred lotus and the American lotus, resembling…
NELUMBO n. (Tamil) a plant of the Nelumbium genus of waterlilies that includes the sacred lotus, also NELUMBIUM.
SOLANUMsolanum n. (Botany) Any plant in the genus Solanum.
solanum n. (East Africa) A traditional green vegetable in the genus Solanum, specifically Solanum nigrum, and sometimes…
Solanum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Solanaceae – nightshades (sensu stricto); mostly poisonous, but…
UMBONALumbonal adj. Relating to the umbo.
UMBONAL adj. of or like an umbo, the boss of a shield, also UMBONIC.
UNMOLDSunmolds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unmold.
UNMOLD v. to change the form of; to reduce from any form, also UNMOULD.
UNMORALunmoral adj. (Rare) Not applicable for moral consideration.
unmoral adj. (Rare) Not moral.
UNMORAL adj. lacking a sense of right and wrong.
UNMOULDunmould v. (Transitive) To remove from a mould.
unmould v. (Transitive) To change the form of; to reduce from any form.
UNMOULD v. to change the form of; to reduce from any form, also UNMOLD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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