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There are 17 seven-letter words containing L, M, N, O and T

LOMENTAlomenta n. Plural of lomentum.
LOMENTUM n. (Latin) a type of plant pod, also LOMENT.
LOMENTSloments n. Plural of loment.
LOMENT n. a pod that breaks in pieces at constrictions between the seeds, also LOMENTUM.
MELTONSmeltons n. Plural of melton.
Meltons prop.n. Plural of Melton.
MELTON n. a strong and smooth heavy woollen cloth.
MENTHOLmenthol n. (Chemistry) a cyclic monoterpene alcohol; the major component of the essential oil of peppermint; used…
menthol n. A menthol cigarette.
MENTHOL n. a camphor obtained from oil of peppermint.
MOLINETmolinet n. (Historical) A short rod that was used for stirring hot chocolate drinks before emulsifiers were available.
MOLINET n. (French) a stick used to whip drinking chocolate in the 18th century.
MOLTINGmolting v. Present participle of molt.
molting n. A molt; the shedding of skin, feathers, etc.
MOLT v. to shed feathers or fur, also MOULT.
MONTHLYmonthly adj. Occurring every month.
monthly adv. Every month.
monthly n. A publication that is published once a month.
MOONLETmoonlet n. (Astronomy) a very small body orbiting a planet, often as part of a planetary ring system.
MOONLET n. a small satellite.
MOONLITmoonlit adj. Lit by moonlight.
MOONLIT adj. lit by the moon.
MOULTENmoulten adj. (Obsolete) Having moulted.
MOULTEN adj. (Shakespeare) having moulted.
OMENTALomental adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to an omentum or the omenta.
OMENTAL adj. of or pertaining to an omentum, a free fold of the peritoneum.
TELAMONtelamon n. A figure of a man (often Atlas) used as a pillar for support.
Telamon prop.n. (Greek mythology) Father of Ajax, brother of Peleus.
TELAMON n. (Greek) a draped male figure used like a caryatid as a supporting column or pilaster.
TOLLMANtollman n. A man who receives or collects a toll.
TOLLMAN n. one who receives or collects toll; a toll gatherer.
TOLLMENtollmen n. Plural of tollman.
TOLLMAN n. one who receives or collects toll; a toll gatherer.
TOOLMANTOOLMAN n. a man who works with tools.
TOOLMENTOOLMAN n. a man who works with tools.
YMOLTENymolten adj. (Poetic, obsolete, nonce word) melted.
MELT v. to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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